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創新研發學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A study on the Impact of the Epidemic on the Consumption Structure of Urban and Rural Residents in Guangzhou from the Perspective of Digital Economy
A study on the Impact of the Epidemic on the Consumption Structure of Urban and Rural Residents in Guangzhou from the Perspective of Digital Economy
作者 Zi Qing Chen (Zi Qing Chen)
The digital economy is the main economic form after the agricultural economy and the industrial economy. The digital economy is the key element to create a new development pattern, the key support to promote the upgrading of the industrial base and the modernization of the industrial chain, and the strategic choice to enhance the vitality of the city. COVID -19 outbreak after received serious economic impact both athome and abroad, the domestic urban and rural residents' consumption structure change differences become a hot topic, this paper takes the urban and rural residents in Guangzhou as the research object, through literature research, comparative analysis, contrast between 2017 and 2020, From the perspective of digital economy, the consumption and spending data of Guangzhou, in Guangzhou urban and rural residents' consumption structure changes of the differences, The study found that affected by the outbreak, the Guangzhou urban and rural residents into the short-term consumption of relegation, the consumption structure produced survival consumption difference, consumption difference and sex difference, and degree of changes in the consumption structure of urban residents is greater than the rural residents, research shows that the income gap, consumption environment, consumption idea and COVID -19 is the differentiation of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents in Guangzhou, In this regard, Guangzhou needs to stimulate the economic vitality of the city to realize the new vitality of the old city; Close to the construction opportunity of Greater Bay Area, this paper puts forward specific suggestions for urban and rural residents.
起訖頁 37-53
關鍵詞 Digital economyConsumption structureEngel coefficientVariable contribution degreeLevel of consumption
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 202212 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 炒作假消息之飢餓行銷對於顧客購買意圖之研究──以病毒行銷為干擾
該期刊-下一篇 基於網路文本分析法探究民宿意象




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