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Investigation on the Time of Circulation and Writing of A Children's Reader of Poems from One Thousand Authors
分藏於臺北故宮(卷一),與北京中國國家圖書館(卷二)的《明解增和千家詩註》二卷, 是今日可見唯一一部手寫彩繪插圖本的古代「千家詩註」,其中卷一本,在1928 年7 月至1929 年6 月間,為北平北海圖書館購入,先存放在北海館,1931 年遷入文津街新館的善本甲庫,1934年南遷上海,1941-1942 年間運往美國國會圖書館寄存,1965 年年底運返臺灣,1968 年進故宮寄存,1984-1985 年間正式入藏故宮。卷二本則應在1951-1959 年之間入藏北京圖書館。兩卷皆出自明代內府寫繪,年代就版式, 以及為格勻線直, 先在行線上下扎針孔所留下的痕跡, 再加上卷末附繪的補白飾物風格判斷,至少不早於明中期(15 世紀晚期)以前。
The two volumes of A Children's Reader of Poems from One Thousand Authors are collected separately in the National Palace Museum in Taipei (Volume 1) and the National Library of China in Beijing (Volume 2). It is the only handwritten and coloured illustrated edition available today Ancient A Children's Reader of Poems from One Thousand Authors, one volume of which was purchased for Beiping Beihai Library between July 1928 and June 1929. It was first stored in Beihai Library, and in 1931 it was moved to the rare book library in the new building on Wenjin Street, Then,it move south to Shanghai in 1934,and transported to the US Library of Congress for storage in 1941-1942,It returned to Taiwan at the end of 1965, sent to the National Palace Museum in 1968.The second volume should have been collected in the Beijing Library between 1951 and 1959. Both volumes were handwritten and painted by the court in the Ming Dynasty after the late fifteenth century.
起訖頁 1-49
關鍵詞 《明解增和千家詩註》明內府寫本彩繪古籍A Children' s Reader of Poems from One Thousand AuthorsMing Dynasty court Handwritten editionancient coloring book
刊名 東海大學圖書館館刊  
期數 202301 (67期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 館藏文物選粹(六十六):東海大學校地接收典禮
該期刊-下一篇 百年前臺灣民眾法治觀念考察──以《民商法詩錄》為研究對象(上)




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