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並列篇名 |
The Effects of Video Prompting on Cooking Skill Training for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in an Elementary School |
作者 |
吳住龍 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討影片提示策略教學對提升國小中重度智能障礙學生使用家用電器(電鍋)進行烹飪技能學習之成效。本研究採用單一個案研究法中之跨行為多試探設計,自變項為結合影片提示策略的教學模式,依變項為使用電鍋進行烹飪技能學習之成效。個案為臺中市某國小特教班兩位中重度智能障礙學生。教學實驗研究共分為三個階段,第一階段為基線期,第二階段為介入期,第三階段為維持期,共進行14週。在介入期時,每週進行3次教學介入,每次30分鐘。個案甲分別介入煮飯8次、蒸蛋10次及煮玉米濃湯8次教學實驗,個案乙分別介入煮飯8次、蒸蛋8次及煮玉米濃湯8次訓練,共計51次實驗教學介入,兩名個案在基線、介入與維持期間共進行87次評量。研究結果以視覺分析法進行資料分析與解釋,並輔以個案與特教班導師的訪談資料進行社會效度分析。本研究之研究結果如下:1. 影片提示策略對提升國小中重度智能障礙學生使用電鍋進行烹飪技能學習具有立即成效。2. 影片提示策略對提升國小中重度智能障礙學生使用電鍋進行烹飪技能學習具有維持成效。3. 兩位個案及特教班導師對於影片提示策略教學使用電鍋進行烹飪技能學習給予正向回饋。根據上述研究結果,可以提供實務工作者及未來研究者參考。 |
英文摘要 |
This study aimed to investigate the effects of video prompting on cooking skill training for elementary school students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. This study used a single-case, multiple probe design across behaviors. The independent variable was video prompting teaching strategies. The dependent variable was the cooking skills by using an electric rice cooker. The participants were two students with intellectual disabilities placed in the special education class of an elementary school in Taichung city. The study design was divided into three phases: the baseline, intervention, and maintenance phases. We analyzed the results by visual analysis. Other observational records and interview data of the participants and their teachers were also utilized for the analysis of qualitative and social validity. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The teaching strategy of video prompting showed immediate effects of promoting the cooking skills at using home appliances for the two students with severe learning function impairment in an elementary school. 2. Video prompting teaching strategies showed maintenance effects of promoting the cooking skills at using home appliances for the two students with severe learning function impairment in an elementary school. 3. The two participants and their teacher provided positive feedback about the teaching strategy of video prompting which promoted cooking skills by using home appliances. |
起訖頁 |
51-74 |
關鍵詞 |
影片提示策略、中重度智能障礙學生、烹飪技能、video prompting、students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities、cooking skill |
刊名 |
特殊教育與復健學報 |
期數 |
202212 (37期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
多元表徵教學對國小中度智能障礙學生基礎數概念教學成效之分析 |