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Challenges of Taiwanese Special Law for Open Data: Analysis from the Open Data Legal System of European Union and the United States
作者 戴豪君賴芃聿
開放資料的浪潮襲捲全球,自民國101年11月我國開始推動開放資料,迄今成績斐然。我國政府資料開放法制係以政府資訊公開法為基礎,輔以行政規則加以推動。後續雖有多項單行法令增修納入資料開放規範,國發會亦曾擬提出開放資料專法草案,但就是否制訂專法,政府與民間仍莫衷一是。環顧同一時期,歐美開放資料法制已經歷經數次大幅變革。本文透過分析美國與歐盟資料開放法制之發展歷程,探索推動開放資料專法可能會遇到的挑戰,提出我國開放資料專法應有規範建言。 研析美國與歐盟近年公布數次資料開放新法律架構,包括美國開放政府資料法(OPEN Government Data Act)、歐盟2019年開放資料與公部門資訊再利用指令(The Directive on the Open Data and the re-use of Public Sector Information)與歐洲資料治理規則草案(Proposal for Regulation on European data governance)等。研析美國與歐盟規範重點,強調資料預設開放(open by default)原則、從靜態資料集提升為動態API、從公部門擴大至公營事業、提出開放研究資料與FAIR原則、提供高價值資料集以及設立資料長與資料長委員會之政府組織變革等,甚至進一步提升至資料治理法制等。 本文認為,我國應汲取美國與歐盟資料開放法制中值得借鏡之處,提出擴大開放資料專法規範主體、動態資料開放方式、建置高價值資料集、開放研究資料、收費與授權原則合理化、政府開放資料組織設計以及資料治理機制等建言。希冀藉由開放資料法制之完備,建立我國開放資料與資料治理等政策推動基石,並邁向下一個資料治理階段。
Open data is all the rage now. The Republic of China (Taiwan) has promoted open data since 2012, and it has attained remarkable achievement so far. Currently, the open data legal system of Taiwan relies on the Openness of Government Information Act and administrative rules. Additionally, some acts and regulations have been subsumed under the open data legal system. National Development Council (NDC) drafted special law for open data before. Meanwhile, the open data legal system of European Union and the United States have undergone sweeping changes. This study research European and American open data legal systems. Moreover, this study discusses the challenges faced by the government of Taiwan about special law for open data and makes some recommendations. This study analyzes European and American legal frameworks for open data in recent years. To cite an instance, OPEN Government Data Act, the Directive on the Open Data and the re-use of Public Sector Information (Directive (EU) 2019/1024) and Proposal for Regulation on European data governance are included in them. OPEN Government Data Act mandates that every covered agency shall designate a nonpolitical appointee employee in the agency as the Chief Data Officer (CDO) of the agency. Moreover, it creates a Chief Data Officer Council that each agency’s CDO should serve on the Council. Directive (EU) 2019/1024 puts emphasis on high-value datasets, the principle of “open by default” and the FAIR principles. In addition, it mandates that public sector bodies and public undertakings should provide their documents via suitable APIs. Furthermore, European and American open data legal system step to another stage that is data governance. As mentioned above, this study recommends that the government of Taiwan should learn from advantages in the European and American open data legal system. The authors hope to refine the current open data legal system of Taiwan and promote relevant policies; moreover, steps to another stage that is data governance.
起訖頁 95-143
關鍵詞 政府資料開放資料治理開放資料專法Open DataData GovernanceSpecial Law for Open Data
刊名 臺灣科技法學叢刊  
期數 202107 (2期)
出版單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 人工智慧時代之資料治理與法制初探




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