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A Study on the Civil Trademark Liabilities of Internet Service Providers and Their Limitations: CAD Software Manufacturers in 3D Printing
作者 陳匡正
網路服務提供者於網路社群中自動儲存、連結與傳輸各類型之數位資訊,確實有侵害他人著作權、商標權、營業秘密及名譽權的可能性。而商標侵權雖然經常發生在網路平臺,可是未為商標侵權行為之網路平臺業者,卻需要被追究侵權之責任。此外,與網路平臺業者類似之3D列印電腦輔助設計(Computer Aided Design, CAD)軟體製造商(例如:美國歐特克公司),其製造、提供近似於他人商標之CAD軟體在Spark平臺上,若設計人員已經從平臺中下載該軟體,但並未利用其列印出近似於他人之商標時,則CAD軟體製造商之行為,正由於現行商標法(以下稱本法)之立法漏洞與不足,並不會構成本法之直接侵權,卻會構成間接侵權中之輔助侵權。至於,CAD軟體製造商之行為,是否需要負擔民法上之共同侵權責任,乃特別取決於下載該軟體並利用其列印出與他人近似之商標,其主觀上是否基於故意或過失,且其行為和結果之間是否具備因果關係而定。因為本法迄今尚無制定網路服務提供者民事責任與免責等規定,所以本文之主要內容,不僅須探討CAD軟體製造商所可能造成之民事侵權型態外,還必須從引入國際趨勢之立法、合理注意義務之實踐及為發展新興聯盟行銷業者或科技之立法等角度,來討論增訂網路服務提供者民事責任與免責規範之必要性。
Internet service providers connect, transport, and automatically save all kinds of digital information in cyberspace communities, which actually possible for infringing copyrights, trademark rights, trade secrets, and reputation. Although there often are many trademark infringements that have occurred on internet platforms, many Internet platforms are responsible for trademark liabilities without infringing trademark rights. Besides, take the example of internet platforms that are similar to manufacturers of computer aided design (CAD) software in 3D printing, e.g., the U.S. Autodesk, Inc., it makes and provides Spark platforms. If professional designers have downloaded CAD software on Spark platforms and used it to print trademarks identical to others, manufacturers of CAD software are responsible for contributory infringement, which is an indirect infringement; however, this does not constitute the direct infringement of the Trademark Act (hereafter called “the Act”) due to loopholes and insufficient in the Act. Furthermore, whether manufacturers of CAD software constitute joint infringement in Civil Code is particularly decided by downloading CAD software and using it to print trademarks identical to others, which includes the intention, negligence, cause, and action. Because there have no regulations concerning the civil trademark liabilities and their limitations of internet service providers in the Act, main contents of this article not only focus on discussing the types of civil trademark infringements caused by manufacturers of CAD software, but also describe necessities of amending the regulations on civil trademark liabilities and their limitations of internet service providers from the perspectives of introducing international legislation trends, realizing duty of reasonable care, and legislation for development of new affiliate marketing or new technology, and so on.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 網路服務提供者CAD軟體製造商間接侵權共同侵權商標民事侵權免責Internet Service ProvidersManufacturers of CAD SoftwareIndirect InfringementJoint InfringementLimitations on Civil Trademark Liabilities
刊名 臺灣科技法學叢刊  
期數 202107 (2期)
出版單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所
該期刊-下一篇 從設計專利「維修免責條款」立法提案談專利制度之功能與我國之智慧財產權政策方向




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