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Six Questions for Lifelong Learners to Improve Their Psychological Well-being and Maturity
作者 謝宗順
“Da Xue Zhi Dao” is the way of lifelong learning. The goal is to gradually forge an individual with independent, mature, sound personality, and a high sense of psychological well-being in the learning process of whole-person education. mature people”. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between individual maturity and psychological well-being of lifelong learners in this dynamic process. How can we better understand the six elements of psychological well-being? And through the “six questions” to explore how lifelong learners can achieve maturity by improving psychological well-being. After analyzing the “six elements”, it is found that there are three levels of relationships between the psychological well-being of lifelong learners and individual maturity: “individual level”, “group level” and “movement level”, and the “six elements” not only an important component of psychological well-being is also a key reference indicator for an individual to move towards maturity. In addition, through the conceptual connotation analysis of “Six Questions”, we can further understand the deep meaning of “Six Elements”, and learn that lifelong learners can ask “Who am I?” Who's to take responsibility?” two questions to reflect on how an individual sees himself and whether he recognizes that progress towards mental maturity is his life's task and responsibility. At the group level, through “How do people around me see who I am?” and “How do I respond to what others think of me?” Self-knowledge is put into the group-me relationship for exploration and verification. The individual has clarified the self-cognition in the relationship between the group and me, and also has the main initiative to respond to the group. Then there are two questions from the dynamic level: “What kind of person do I want to be?” and “What kind of person can I be?” to deal with the deeper meaning and purpose of life. For lifelong learners, individual mental maturity is meaning and purpose in itself. In order to continuously expand the boundaries of self and move towards maturity, individuals must fully recognize the power and influence of entropy, and can effectively resist entropy increase, to reduce chaos and rebuild order.
起訖頁 257-272
關鍵詞 心理幸福感個體成熟度終身學習終身教育psychological well-beingmaturitylifelong learninglifelong education
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 STORIES教學模式應用於大學「領導與決策」課堂之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 從增能觀點探究臺灣高齡就業友善環境之研究




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