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The Paradoxes of High School Admission in 12-year Basic Education
作者 林佩璇傅木龍
High school admission has been reformed for several decades in Taiwan. Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students (CAP) in 12-year Basic Education had been conducted since 2014. Meanwhile, Exam-free admission and Featured Enrollment have been two central approaches for admission nearby. The changes have triggered heated debates for a couple years before and after (especially in 2013-2015). However, there is few public opinions discussing about the ideals of the reforms. It was the last time of CAP in accordance with Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in May, 2021. This paper aimed at exploring the changes of high school admission. Firstly, it described the features of exam-free admission and featured enrollment and the amending of them by dealing with things as they came. Next, it indicated several paradoxes between the rationales and practice of the reforms. Finally, it proposed that leading teaching innovation by examination reform was hard to work and went against human value in terms of equality, respecting and caring. Promoting students' capabilities was based on teaching improvement rather than uncertainties of examination change. It had argued that the new 108 competence-oriented curriculums shouldn't be made a scapegoat for CAP at all.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 十二年國教會考免試升學特色招生就近入學12-year basic educationcomprehensive assessment program for junior high school studentsexam-free admissionfeatured enrollmentadmission nearby
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202211 (3:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 師資培育公費制度問題現況分析




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