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Awareness of the Humanistic Meaning of Aesthetic Education in Higher Education: Taking Tsinghua University, Beijing as a Case Study
作者 孫墨青
After more than a century of modern higher education, China has recently put forward the vision and plan of building a world-class university. While the popularization of university education and academic research has achieved remarkable results, the loss of humanistic values and the aesthetic spirit, as well as the utilitarianization of education, have attracted the attention of educators today. Situated between the ideal and reality, what should be the purpose of aesthetic education? Does aesthetic education have something to do with the fundamental values of the university? Are there any signs that aesthetic education improves and enhances the significance of higher education? The study of university aesthetic education should be based on the development of contemporary higher education, but should also determine the principles of aesthetic education and its valid domains. This study is a synthesis of the above two levels, thereby proving the fundamental role of aesthetic education in the foundation of university education. Taking a century of aesthetic thought and practices of Tsinghua University in Beijing as the study subject, the study attempts to clarify the concept of aesthetic education in the context of higher education philosophy through the analysis of the humanistic meaning of aesthetic education. This study puts forward the concept of 'humanistic aesthetic education' while exploring the relationship between aesthetic education and the disciplined curriculum, liberal education, and its decisive factors. In addition, by comparing the development of aesthetic education at Tsinghua University in Beijing with Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Peking University, and Fudan University, the study analyzes its characteristics and summarizes its strengths and weaknesses. Based on the vertical history of Tsinghua aesthetic education and horizontal comparative study, the author raises questions in the final section of this paper regarding 110 years of aesthetic education at Tsinghua University from five aspects, including the concepts of aesthetic education, educational policies, educational system design and management, and faculty and educational evaluation, to re-understand the humanistic meaning of aesthetic university education.
起訖頁 155-201
關鍵詞 「人文美育」北京清華大學教育思想審美教育現代大學理念concept of“humanistic aesthetic education”Tsinghua University in Beijingphilosophy of educationaesthetic educationmodern concept of higher education
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202112 (3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 從缺陷到對話到創作──論博物館科技的「共享權威」與「數位策展」實踐
該期刊-下一篇 每一次既是末日來臨,又是轉世新生:《盧米埃星系:未來電影的七個關鍵詞》書評




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