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Internet to Post-Internet: The Critical Awareness of Socially Engaged Internet Art
作者 曾鈺涓
As artists who live in the post-Internet era, it is inevitable that we need to face the virtual and real culture created by technology. We have to show solicitude for the human being who relies on digital life, and consider the reflexive relationships between people and machine. We should be wary of and ascertain the ambiguous intersection of the real and virtual world when we switch between our real and virtual lives. We need to understand that we are already living in a centralized and controlled age of Surveillance Capitalism. Discussing and critiquing net culture in the manner of art practice is a thinking process of reconstruction, exploration, participation, exposure, and connection. The research analyzes the context of reflexivity criticism from the development of Internet Art to Post-Internet Art. Based on Socially Engaged Internet Art, this research performs textual analysis on three topics: “the dream and reality of cyber utopia,” “performance, privacy, and peeping in digital surveillance,” and “the supremacy and manipulation of cyber capitalism.” The article will acknowledge the critical consciousness and practical significance of socially engaged Internet art.
起訖頁 39-64
關鍵詞 社會參與藝術後網路藝術網路文化網路藝術數位文化藝術與社會Socially Engaged ArtPost-Internet Artnet cultureInternet Artdigital cultureart and sociality
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202112 (3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 糾纏區帶:聲觸空間、雲端混雜織線與軟紀錄片的文化跨碼
該期刊-下一篇 記憶的探索、轉化與再現:阿爾納多在〈融化記憶〉中的科技記憶與藝術策略




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