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Staging Aesthetics of Contemporary Photography: A Case Study on Topology in Bed
作者 朱盈樺 (CHU, Yin-Hua)
本文以2015 年挪石社出版的攝影書《床上拓撲學》為分析案例,探討當代攝影的編導美學。這件計畫是由藝術家倪和孜發起,在她的主張下,父親(倪其才)進行作品創作、攝影師友人(陳藝堂)進行拍攝、母親不參與,在攝影書編輯後、並於創作者身分註明為倪其才時,整件藝術計畫方才完成。這本攝影書分別從不同角度指向當代攝影中場面調度的概念思維。本文藉由書名中的「拓撲學」思考這件創作計畫的「編導」形態,透過精神分析、攝影史等論述角度,說明此藝術實踐如何擴張攝影的場面調度概念。
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the photobook Topology in Bed published by Taiwan-based independent publisher nos:books in 2015. The project was initiated by artist Son Ni, carried out by her father (Ni Chi-Tsai) at her request, and photographed by Chen Yi-Tang, a photographer and friend of Son Ni; her mother was not involved. The entire project was unfinished until the photobook was completed and Ni Chi-Tsai assumed authorship. This photobook highlights concepts and thoughts in “contemporary photography” from multiple angles. This study not only adopts a “topological” view on the “staging” form of this photobook, but also explicates how its artistic practice expanded the forms of miseenscène in photography with reference to psychoanalysis and the history of photography, thereby developing an alternative approach to the staging aesthetics of contemporary photography.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 自出版床上拓撲學場面調度編導攝影攝影書self-publishingTopology in Bedmise-en-scènestaged photographyphotobook
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202112 (3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-下一篇 糾纏區帶:聲觸空間、雲端混雜織線與軟紀錄片的文化跨碼




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