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Anchoring Bias in Analysts' EPS Forecasts: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions
作者 吳瑞萱鄭佳綺陳怡臻羅懷均
This study investigates whether the acquiring firm's earnings per share (EPS) forecasts released by analysts are biased toward the industry norm. The literature provides significant evidence for the irrational behavioral bias of anchoring and adjustment mechanisms across diverse domains. We predict the anchoring heuristic bias may affect analyst earnings forecast behavior. Moreover, this study considers types of M&A deals with different information characteristics that may drive the mitigation effect on analysts' anchoring, such as non-cash-financed and inter-industry mergers. Our results show that analysts tend to put weight on the industry median forecasted EPS and that this anchoring heuristic behavior results in a notable level of forecasting bias in acquisition activities. This anchoring effect may be mitigated by non-cash-financed and inter-industry mergers. This study is the first one to clarify the influence of anchoring effect on analyst earnings forecasts for acquiring firms. Our empirical results would fill the gap of the related literature.
起訖頁 547-572
關鍵詞 定錨效應分析師盈餘預測誤差行為偏誤併購事件anchoring effectanalyst earnings forecast errorbehavior biasmergers and acquisitions
刊名 管理學報  
期數 202212 (39:4期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣股市的未預期月營收:綜合分析
該期刊-下一篇 影響製造業台商海外子公司企業永續作為之因素──尾巴搖狗不稀奇?




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