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The Process and Results of Implementing the Hakka Language STEM Parent-Child Playgroup
作者 陳雅鈴 (Ya-Ling Chen)蔡宜雯
本研究主要在探究客語 STEM 親子遊戲團體之推行方式及成效。研究主要採質性取向的個案研究方法進行。研究參與者為八個家庭的親子及帶領活動的教師和研究者。資料收集包括:觀察、訪談及問卷調查,資料分析除了問卷資料採描述性統計分析外,都以質性分析方式進行。研究結果顯示:(1)本研究以 CLIL 的教學策略,以客語做為主要活動的引導及溝通語言,進行以 STEM 教學內容為主軸的客語親子遊戲。活動亦加入家長座談,邀請家長分享客語 FLP 的推動情形,議題包括:家庭對客語保存的重要性、幼兒客語的學習方法、推動客語家庭的策略、培養客家意識及正向態度、強調幼兒階段學習客語的優勢及宣傳客語的各項優點;(2)親子遊戲團體的研究結果發現,客語 STEM 親子遊戲團體對家長在客語保存意識的提升及行動上都有正向的影響,家長滿意親子遊戲團體的辦理品質,希望持續辦理相關遊戲團體。文末針對本研究發現提出幾項具體建議。
This research mainly explores the implementation methods and influences of Hakka language STEM parent-child playgroup. The research mainly adopted the qualitative case study method. Research participants were the parents and children of eight families, the teachers and researcher who led the activities. The methods of data collection included: observation, interview, and questionnaire survey. The observation and interview data were analyzed qualitatively. The research results show that: (1) This research uses CLIL’s teaching strategy, which uses Hakka language as the main guiding and communicating language to conduct STEM activities. Activities also included parents’ talks for sharing their implementation and problems of conducting Hakka family language policy; (2) The study found that the Hakka language STEM parent-child playgroup has positive effects on parents’ awareness of the preservation and actions of Hakka language. Parents are also very satisfied with the quality of parent-child playgroup. At the end of the article, several specific suggestions are made based on the findings of this research.
起訖頁 293-327
關鍵詞 家庭語言政策親子遊戲團體客語家庭STEMCLILfamily language policyparent-child playgroupHakka language familySTEMCLIL
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 202210 (17:2期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 教育為台語家庭族語傳承之雙面刃
該期刊-下一篇 雙語讀寫的力量──重新學習臺灣語言認同的大學課程實踐




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