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The Role of PLA Medical Service in Combating Pandemics and Its System as Observed Therefrom and Otherwise Known of: A Comparison Between Before Military Reform and Those Posterior to the Reform
作者 林穎佑
2020 年中國大陸爆發的新型冠狀肺炎(COVID-19)對中國大陸無論在經濟、外交造成極大的衝擊,引起國內外極大的關注,其中最值得注意的是解放軍在此次防疫工作的角色。雖說在軍改前的歷次救災任務中,逐漸奠定軍地互動的模式,「應急處突」也成為解放軍的重要任務之一,但在軍改後於此次應對新冠疫情的行動中,卻出現許多問題。從組織上看,軍改前醫療後勤部隊的指揮相當複雜,總參謀部與總後勤部各自為政。軍改後,後勤保障部負責後勤相關的計畫及預算,聯勤保障部隊則是執行單位,並在戰區主戰、軍種主建的原則下,重整各醫療衛勤組織。雖說如此,但在對抗新冠疫情的過程中,依然有不少問題發生。本研究以2003年的SARS 以及2020 年新冠肺炎疫情作為案例,嘗試整理分析解放軍在軍改後的醫療衛勤制度與在此事件中的行動表現,並與軍改前的醫療衛勤體系進行比較,期望從中探討軍改前後解放軍醫療衛勤體系的組織變化以及軍改後醫療衛勤體系可能出現的問題。
The COVID-19 pandemic that broke out in mainland China in 2020 greatly affected the country either in its economy or in its foreign relations. It consequently grabbed the entire world’s attention while arousing grave concerns at home. Of particular interest to major powers is the part that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has played in fighting the COVID-19. It is true that the PLA has established step by step modes of interaction with local governments through its participation in search and rescue efforts prior to the most recent round of military reform launched in 2016 and that “emergency response and handling of emergencies” has become one of its primary tasks, but its participation in the fight against the COVID-19, despite with a large commitment of manpower and resources, has been found to be plagued with problems of one sort of another. In terms of structure, medical service units of the PLA prior to the said military reform were subjected to commands from different higher authorities, quite complicated to explain to say the least, with the then General Staff Department and the General Logistics Department vying with each other for dominance in the field. Following the military reform, the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission has been responsible for planning and budget allocation related to logistics affairs, while the Joint Logistics Support Force is entrusted with the task of putting those plans into practice. Meanwhile, under the guiding principle of theater commands responsible for operations and the services taking care of arms build-up, medical service organizations across the services have been revamped to meet new requirements. Despite the efforts in this direction, quite a few problems still emerged in the process of combating the COVID-19. Based on case studies covering the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) pandemic and the 2020 COVID-19, this paper seeks to analyze the post-reform PLA medical service in terms of its system and its performance in China’s fight against the COVID-19 while weighing it against what it was before the reform in the hope of determining its structural changes called upon by the reform and zooming in on certain potential problems with it that seem to be looming on the horizon not long after the completion of the reform.
起訖頁 81-107
關鍵詞 解放軍研究新冠肺炎軍事改革醫療衛勤PLA StudiesCOVID-19Military ReformMedical Service
刊名 中國大陸研究  
期數 202211 (65:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 陸資企業在臺灣投資的表現與特性分析
該期刊-下一篇 防疫健康碼、通信大數據行程卡、數位科技威權主義:中國因應新冠肺炎的觀察




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