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Mixed Bloods in a Plural Society: Recovering the Place of Hybridized ‘Chinese’ in Indonesia’s Port Communities
作者 廖藹欣 (Oiyan Liu)
英國殖民官兼學者J. S. Furnivall在1930年代提出荷屬東印度的殖民社會是「多民族社會」。歐洲人、華人和原住民等在各自設定的範圍活動,互不交集和混合,而華人社會與其他民族更有明顯的分野。但據史料的考證,本研究發現「多民族社會」的概念與事實並不相符,民族界線並非壁壘分明。從長遠的歷史角度而言,華人與印尼群島向來有著密切的關係,種族互動和混血後裔更是社會長期出現的形態,卻因殖民時期提倡「多民族社會」的方針,導致混血社會被邊緣化。本研究將探討本土華裔混血如何透過海上貿易在印尼歷史上扮演重要和持續性的角色。
In the late 1930s, J. S. Furnivall described the colonial population in the Netherlands East Indies as a plural society where Europeans, Chinese, and indigenous inhabitants lived side by side without mingling with one another. This portrayal of the Dutch colonial society was in line with racial segregation policies that were institutionalized in the nineteenth century. Although colonial narratives presented Chinese people as clearly distinguishable from non-Chinese peoples, I argue that such depictions did not conform with social reality at the time. Based on a study of statistical methodologies and travel accounts, this article shows that people who were labeled as ‘Chinese' included people of mixed heritage and people of indigenous backgrounds. Taking a long-term historical perspective, this article shows that the history of mixedness developed in tandem with maritime trade, and continued to exist despite the presumed institutional disappearance of mixedness.
起訖頁 625-663
關鍵詞 混血華裔海外華人多民族社會殖民統治港口社會mixed-race Chineseoverseas Chineseplural societycolonial governanceport community
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 202209 (34:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2022093403006   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 越南阮朝明命帝(1820-1840)海洋強國夢:以造船及出洋公務為中心




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