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Integration and Crossover in Japanese Language Education: the Role of Japanese Classical Literature in Contemporary Culture
作者 楊錦昌
有鑑於此,筆者參照愛德華・霍爾(Edward E. Hall)、互文理論概念及日本和歌中的「本歌取」修辭,透過日本現代文化所呈現的古典表象與筆者個人的教學成果見解及論證,試圖確立「日本古典文學」在「日本語教育」中的意義及其角色定位。藉此延伸說明「日本古典文學」以匯流(統合)與交錯(跨越)之姿,立足於「日本語教育(學)」場域的存在意義。最終希望在台灣「日本語教育」領域中,能夠屏除「去(de)古典」的「缺憾(缺陷)」,確實達到兼具古今跨時空及跨文化溝通功能,且沒有缺漏的圓融與完整「日本語教育」及日語學習目標。
In Taiwan,“Japanese classical literature”is studied and researched in Japanese departments and applied Japanese departments in the universities. At th ese places, the territory that“Japanese classical literature”used to obtain has been narrowed. What’s worse,“Japanese classical literature”is not able to defend its authority as“canon.”In other words,“Japanese classical literature,”combining“classical”which is not easy to acquire, with“literature,”which lacks practical use, faces the formidable current trend of being instant as well as practice -oriented. Moreover,“classical”or“literature”is mired in the sad fate of being resisted, or even rejected. Therefore, this, we are afraid, may result in a“defect”given that universities are supposed to provide their Japanese majors with a comprehensive“Japanese language education.”
In our present research, based on Edward E. Hall’s theory, the fundamental concept of intertextuality, and classical Japanese poetic rhetoric regulated in“Honkadori,”we try to define the meaning and role of“Japanese classical literature”in“Japanese language education.”This is done by means of classical representation viewed through Japanese contemporary culture and our own view as well as proof of educational results. Consequently, we hope to point out the meaning of the existence of“Japanese classical literature”in the area of“(study of) Japanese language education”as its role of integration and crossover in this field. Furthermore, we hope that in the area of Taiwan’s“Japanese language education,”the defect of“de-classic”may be eliminated, and the goal of universal as well as transcultural communication in Japanese language education may be reached.
起訖頁 21-47
關鍵詞 日本古典文學;日本語教育;現代文化;古典表象;互文性;「本歌取」;「去(de)古典」;classical literature;Japanese language education;contemporary culture;classical representation;intertextuality;Honkadori;de- classic
刊名 中日文化論叢  
期數 201207 (29期)
出版單位 中國文化大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本語教育学における〈視点〉としての「古典文学」
該期刊-下一篇 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者における漢字語の習得-作文の縦断的調査から-




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