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Fostering Human Resources for Regional Revitalization in Japanese Higher Education: Analysis of Educational Programs Development under the Series of Centers of Community Projects
作者 譚君怡
日本高等教育的大學社會責任實踐的一大特色就是與地方活化、地方創生的結合,並強調大學作為地方知識據點、人才培育的任務與角色。其中文部科學省 2013 年推出的「COC 計畫」,及後來的「COC+計畫」及「COC+R 計畫」為重要代表性系列政策。透過政策方向及補助,引導大學進行整體課程、組織改革,並與同區域的鄰近大學、地方政府、社區及企業形成一個人才培育合作生態系統,產、官、學、民聯手培育地方創生人才的機制。本文聚焦討論三項計畫下地方創生人才培育之課程發展,透過文獻回顧,分析其特色包含發展地區導向的全校必修科目、新設地方創生相關學系、跨領域地方創生學分學程及重視連結在地就業的企業實習課程,並發現地方學課程發展仍存在持續營運與在地就業人數不如預期的挑戰。最後提出台灣高等教育發展地方創生人才培育課程的啟示。
One of the key features of university social responsibility in Japanese higher education is to integrate the regional revitalization policy. This emphasizes that the universities should play an active role as a knowledge hub of local communities and cultivate human resources for regional revitalization. Since 2013, the series of Centers of Community Projects (COC, COC+, COC+R) were established by the Japanese government. These projects encourage universities to promote their curricular and institutional reform and to develop the cooperation ecosystem for regional revitalization with industries, local governments, other universities in the nearby areas and the local communities. This article focuses on the education program development for fostering talents of regional revitalization under these projects. The features of those education programs were analyzed. Features such as developing compulsory subjects in university curriculum, establishing new departments and interdisciplinary certificate programs of regional revitalization, and linking local internships for future employment. On the other hand, some remaining challenges in sustainability and resiliency of those programs and promotion of graduate employment in local companies were discussed. Lastly, the implications for Taiwan to develop programs for regional revitalization human resources were elaborated.
起訖頁 275-291
關鍵詞 日本高等教育;大學社會責任;地方創生;課程發展Japanese Higher Education;University Social Responsibility;Regional Revitalization;Education Program Development
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202209 (3:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 Dewey宗教哲學發展歷程研究
該期刊-下一篇 一位國小校長推動實驗學校之行動研究




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