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A Case Study of the Motivations and Learning Experiences of College Students of Taking English-Medium Instruction
作者 黃琇屏
The purpose of this study is to explore the motivations and learning experiences of college students who took English-Medium Instruction (EMI) courses in order to understand their performance, responses to learning difficulties, and expectations of EMI courses, with the aim of providing suggestions for the development and improvement of EMI courses in the future. Semi-structured interviews were employed to collect data. The results of the study are as follows. First, the students’ motivations include (i) interests in English, (ii) maintaining their English proficiency and language intuition, (iii) preparations for future bilingual teaching careers, (iv) increasing English expertise, and (v) meeting course credit requirements. Second, the performance of the students in EMI courses varies in their English proficiency levels, attitudes in the classroom, or exposure to EMI courses. Third, the students’ responses to difficulties include asking their lecturers questions, using online dictionaries, asking peers for clarification, as well as previewing and reviewing through peer discussions. Fourth, expectations of the EMI courses from students: (i) regarding students themselves, they hope to enhance their English proficiency; (ii) regarding teachers, students hope that the teachers are willing to receive professional training to develop their expertise, integrate multiple teaching methods, and improve their accents; (iii) regarding curriculum planning and teaching materials, the former can be designed in a way such that the students’ learning can be continually promoted to professional levels after they have reached a decent command of English, while in the latter, the teachers can provide a package of quality teaching materials tailored to improve their students’ learning efficacy; (iv) regarding curriculum hours and class size, an EMI course per semester suffices and the number of students in EMI courses has to be limited so that the teachers are capable of taking students’ individual learning into account; (v) regarding team teaching with foreign teachers, as the students’ learning rights must be protected, it is imperative that foreign teachers have to be qualified in their teaching fields which involve their professional competence.
起訖頁 95-120
關鍵詞 雙語教育;雙語國家政策;全英語課程bilingual education;bilingual nation policy;English Medium Instruction courses
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202209 (3:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 雙語教育對大學青年領導力之影響分析
該期刊-下一篇 我國大學日語相關學系師生教學風格與學習風格之適配性




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