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The Concept of Destiny and Interpretations on the Decline of the Southern Song Dynasty
作者 方震華
After the establishment of the Yuan dynasty following the conquering of the Southern Song, seemingly innumerable discussions on the reasons for the fall of the Song dynasty have been recorded. This article focuses on discourses which explained its collapse from the perspective of nonhuman factors, namely the Mandate of Heaven and being predetermined by destiny. These views, which describe the rise and fall of a state being fixed, incorporated prophecies and unusual natural omens that had already occurred before 1276, indicating the impending conclusion of the Song's dynastic fortune. These kinds of arguments are mainly found in texts published by private bookstores in southern China, thereby illustrating that the compilers of these texts were individuals who had suffered while becoming a conquered people. Their concepts regarding the dynastic transition are invariably revealed by these arguments. After engaging with Song troops for four decades, the Mongol armies broke through in 1274 and forced the Song emperor to surrender just two years later, a sudden fall beyond many people's imagination which caused them to seek explanations outside of human actions. The Yuan government likewise used the idea of destiny to legitimize their military actions. Kublai Khan (1215-1294) and his officials, for example, argued that Emperor Gong of Song (1271-1323) lost his regime precisely the same way in which his predecessors had built their dynasty, connoting the predetermined nature of his misfortune. In this way, both official historical writings and private publications were behind the frequent appearance of nonhuman factors in discussions on Song history during the Yuan dynasty.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 運數;天命;宋元易代;歷史書寫;政治宣傳concept of destiny;Mandate of Heaven;Song-Yuan transition;historical writing;political propaganda
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202209 (40:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 明代通禮書對朱熹「曲禮」說的繼承與轉化




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