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Neoliberalism, Cross-Strait Trade and Financialization in Real Estate: The Tests on the Panel Data at the County and at the Corporation-Level, 2000-2019
作者 傅偉哲
In order to answer the question of how the cross-strait trade influence Taiwan's housing prices, this study argues that two mechanisms mattered: first, the driving force of the market; and second, the financialization of real estate in corporations. I argue that the profitable environment of real estate was built by the government's neoliberal policy from the 1990s due to Taiwan's massive capital outflow to China. The environment attracted capital from cross-strait trade and resulted in many big corporations investing in real estate developments. To investigate the above arguments, I test the hypotheses by panel VARX and fixed-effects model on balanced and unbalanced panel data at both the county-level and corporate-level from 2000 to 2019. I find that the housing prices did inflate when Taiwan's trade surplus with China increased, and the annual income from its subsidiary companies in the real estate industry in Taiwan also grew when the total sales and the assets of Taiwan's consortiums in China increased, though with limited job creation in local Taiwan. The study verified the impacts of cross-strait trade on Taiwan's real estate development, as well as suggested the relatively low tax rate was the main reason to explain the high housing prices in contemporary Taiwan.
起訖頁 95-143
關鍵詞 房價;臺商回流;新自由主義;金融化;定群向量自迴歸模型Cross-strait trade;Taishang;Neoliberalism;Housing price;Panel VARX
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 202209 (61:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 2000年代末以來臺灣援外轉型:從「建交」導向延伸「發展」導向
該期刊-下一篇 安全研究的個體化:個人當兵經驗如何影響臺灣防衛決心




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