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A Study on the Selection of Talents by King Jeongjo of The Joseon Dynasty: The Book of Odes as an Example
作者 邱惠芬
The Binheungrok is a record of King Jeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty's selection of local talent for officers. The dynasty's social and economic environment changes resulted in a significant difference in educational resources between the peripheral and the capital; this, combined with the distortion of national examinations, significantly lowered the standard of "Jingxue" education. As a result, King Jeongjo decided to hold examinations for local talents in Gangwon-do, Gwan-buk, and Gwan-seo. The candidates' examination subjects were divided into "Gyeon-gongsaeng" and "Gong-lyeongsaeng." Students at the "Gyeon-gongsaeng" must pass tests in academic subjects chosen by King Jeongjo. They must also answer 16 exam questions from King Jeongjo's book, A Handout to the Book of Songs. The candidates' responses will be chosen and added to recommendations by the local official, then sent to the capital, and finally included in King Jeongjo's book, The Notes on the History of the Classics. Because most of the "Gyeon-gongsaeng" students were elderly, King Jeongjo assigned them to serve as local education officers in charge of educating local children. Thus, King Jeongjo valued the regional education of local talents and the literary education of the courtiers' young and robust schools.
起訖頁 197-239
關鍵詞 朝鮮正祖賓興錄詩經講義弘齋全書承政院日記Joseon JeongjoBinheungrokCommentary on the OdesComplete works of King JeongjoJournal of the Royal Secretariat
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202206 (77期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 百回本《西遊記》「流沙河」故事考論




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