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Being a Yaoi Fandom : A Narrative Inquiry of Exploring the Identity of Yaoi Fandom
作者 周千皓吳怡珍
近年隨著相關媒體的風潮及網路紅人的帶動之下,以描述男性間愛戀為主軸的Boys' Love(簡稱BL)從小眾非主流文化逐漸躍上檯面,而作為BL的閱聽人--「腐女」一詞也開始為人所知。然而,腐女身份認同的形成及影響是未被公開分享及解析的歷程經驗。因此,本研究以敘說探究作為方法論,深入探討腐女如何成為一個腐女及其身份的意義為何。研究參與者為三名腐齡十年以上之腐女,經過數次深度訪談及對話後,將其各個故事文本進行跨個案分析及整理,以呈現其以腐女身份為主軸之生命故事,讓人得以理解腐女之身份認同軌跡、歷程中重要的人事物,乃至此身份對個人的意義。研究結果發現腐女之身份認同歷程有五大階段,並有七個重要因素,且對腐女而言,腐女身份皆已成為其人生的一部份。最後,根據本研究結果,進而提出針對腐女、師長、助人工作者,及未來研究之相關建議。
Boys' Love (BL) is a category of fiction that features romantic and sexual relationships, particularly between males. The issue has been much discussed in the media. Influencers' attention on BL also contributes to the trend. As the main readers of BL, yaoi fandom is introduced to the public. The purpose of this study was to understand: What is the progress of forming yaoi fandom identity? What experience, if any, attaches to yaoi fandom is significant? What is the meaning, if any, of being a yaoi fandom? This study utilized narrative inquiry and collect data through in-depth interviews. The researcher collected narratives from three participants who self-identified as yaoi fandom and transcripted the narratives into text for later analysis. As the result, this study analyzed and discussed between three participants' narratives in order to present the identity transformation of yaoi fandom. It showed there were five stages of the progress of yaoi fandom identity and seven key points of being a yaoi fandom. Finally, they all agreed that yaoi fandom had become part of their lives. The study aims to provide implications to yaoi fandom, parents and teachers, counselors, and future researchers.
起訖頁 40-75
關鍵詞 腐女Boys' LoveBL認同敘說研究yaoi fandomBoys' LoveBLidentitynarrative inquiry
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 202210 (179期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 「成名在望」:學生饒舌歌手的成名路徑探索
該期刊-下一篇 台灣「拉麵宅」的消費文化與網路展演:以Facebook社團「台灣拉麵愛好會」為例




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