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Investigation on the Relationship between Chen Chao-Hsing’s Seven-character Octave and Poetry of Du Fu from the Perspective of Alternation of Four Tones
作者 王雅儀
Chen Chao-Hsing (1831-1866?), a poet who was active during the period of Xian-Tong, is known as “Little Du Fu” in the history of Taiwanese literature. Later generations believe that his poems were inspired by Du Fu (712-770). His work Poems of Tao Village records the experiences associated with the Dai Cao-Chun Rebellion event and inherits the characteristics of the “poetry of history” poetry of Du Fu. However, another characteristic of the poetry of Du Fu is the “profound prosody and explicit meaning.” Du Fu required strictness and meticulousness in the style and form of poetry. Does Chen Chao-Hsing’s imitation of Du Fu also include Du Fu’s strictness for prosody? This study intends to investigate the 176 seven-character octaves created by Chen Chao-Hsin from the perspective of alternation of four tones to observe whether Chen Chao-Hsing’s use of line-ending words in the seven-character octaves is the same as the poetry of Du Fu, which deliberately avoids repetition and uses the four tones in turn: level tone, falling-rising tone, falling tone, and entering tone. According to the data collected, more than half of Chen Chao-Hsing’s seven-character octaves avoid repetition of line-ending words and alternate the four tones at the end of sentences. His ratio of the alternation of four tones is not as high as that of the poets of the prosperous Tang Dynasty such as Du Fu but is higher than that of the poets of the Song Dynasty. Therefore, this study concludes that the poetry style of Chen Chao-Hsing also pays attention to the skill of alternation of four tones.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 四聲遞用上尾格律學杜陳肇興alternation of four tonesrepetition of line-ending wordsprosodyimitation of Du FuChen Chao-Hsing
刊名 東海大學圖書館館刊  
期數 202209 (65期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 館藏文物選粹(六十四):福梅齡女士致吳德耀博士信
該期刊-下一篇 彭啟明〈壺仙花果園賦,以「陽春召我以煙景」為韻〉考釋




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