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NCU-NLP at ROCLING-2021 Shared Task: Using MacBERT Transformers for Dimensional Sentiment Analysis
NCU-NLP at ROCLING-2021 Shared Task: Using MacBERT Transformers for Dimensional Sentiment Analysis
作者 Man-Chen Hung陳昭儀 (Chao-Yi Chen)Pin-Jung ChenLung-Hao Lee
我們運用MacBERT模型在CVAT與CVAS資料集微調使其適用於ROCLING 2021的評測任務,並比較MacBERT與BERT和RoBERTa這兩個不同的模型,在Valence與Arousal維度上的效能差異。我們以平均絕對誤差(MAE)與關係係數(r)作為評分標準,在測試資料上能夠在Valence達到MAE與r分別為0.611與0.904;而在Arousal達到MAE與r分別為0.938與0.549的效能。
We use the MacBERT transformers and fine-tune them to ROCLING-2021 shared tasks using the CVAT and CVAS data. We compare the performance of MacBERT with the other two transformers BERT and RoBERTa in the valence and arousal dimensions, respectively. MAE and correlation coefficient (r) were used as evaluation metrics. On ROCLING-2021 test set, our used MacBERT model achieves 0.611 of MAE and 0.904 of r in the valence dimensions; and 0.938 of MAE and 0.549 of r in the arousal dimension.
起訖頁 380-384
關鍵詞 情感運算學習情緒深度學習affective computinglearning emotionsdeep learning
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202112 (2021期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 CYUT at ROCLING-2021 Shared Task: Based on BERT and MacBERT
該期刊-下一篇 ROCLING-2021 Shared Task: Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Educational Texts




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