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Learning to Find Translation of Grammar Patterns in Parallel Corpus
Learning to Find Translation of Grammar Patterns in Parallel Corpus
作者 Kai-Wen TuanYi-Jyun ChenYi-Chien LinChun-Ho KwokHai-Lun TuJason S. Chang (Jason S. Chang)
We introduce a method for assisting English as Second Language (ESL) learners by providing translations of Collins COBUILD grammar patterns(GP) for a given word. In our approach, bilingual parallel corpus is transformed into bilingual GP pairs aimed at providing native language support for learning word usage through GPs. The method involves automatically parsing sentences to extract GPs, automatically generating translation GP pairs from bilingual sentences, and automatically extracting common bilingual GPs. At run-time, the target word is used for lookup GPs and translations, and the retrieved common GPs and their example sentences are shown to the user. We present a prototype phrase search engine, Linggle GPTrans, that implements the methods to assist ESL learners. Preliminary evaluation on a set of more than 300 GP-translation pairs shows that the methods achieve 91% accuracy.
起訖頁 301-309
關鍵詞 Grammar PatternESL LearningParallel Corpus
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202112 (2021期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 A Corpus for Dimensional Sentiment Classification on YouTube Streaming Service
該期刊-下一篇 利用文本分類技術於刑事判決書之沒收物辨識




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