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Data Augmentation Technology for Dysarthria Assistive Systems
作者 Wei-Chung ChuYing-Hsiu HungWei-Zhong ZhengYing-Hui Lai
Voice-driven communication aids are one of the methods commonly used by patients with dysarthria. However, this type of assistive devices demands a large amount of voice data from patients to increase the effectiveness. In the meantime, this will sink patients into an overwhelming recording burden. Due to those difficulties, this research proposes a voice augmentation system to conquer the aforementioned concern. Furthermore, the system can improve the recognition efficiency. The results of this research reveal that the proposed speech generator system for dysarthria can launch corpus to be more similarities to the patient's speech. Moreover, the recognition rate, in duplicate sentences, has been improved and promoted to the higher level. The word error rate can be reduced from 64.42% to 4.39% in the case of patients with Free-talk. According to these results, our proposed system can provide more reliable and helpful technique for the development of communication aids.
起訖頁 144-150
關鍵詞 構音障礙溝通障礙系統資料增量深度學習dysarthriacommunication assistance systemdata augmentationdeep learning
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202112 (2021期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 使用對話行為嵌入改善對話系統用戶訊息中提問句與閒聊句之判別
該期刊-下一篇 一個基於BERT與孿生架構的檢索模型




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