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Discussion on domain generalization in the cross-device speaker verification system
作者 Wei-Ting LinYu-Jia ZhangChia-Ping Chen (Chia-Ping Chen)Chung-Li LuBo-Cheng Chan
本論文運用領域泛化改進跨裝置語者驗證系統的效能,我們基於一個可訓練的語者驗證系統,利用領域泛化演算法微調模型參數。首先我們使用VoxCeleb2資料集訓練ECAPA-TDNN作為一個基準模型,接著利用CHT-TDSV資料集與以下領域泛化演算法來對其進行微調:DANN、CDANN、Deep CORAL。我們提出的系統在NSYSU-TDSV資料集中測試10種不同的模擬情境,包含單一裝置與多種裝置,最終於多個裝置的場景下,最佳等錯誤率從基礎模型的18.39下降至8.84,成功在語者驗證系統達到跨裝置辨識的成效。
In this paper, we use domain generalization to improve the performance of the cross-device speaker verification system. Based on a trainable speaker verification system, we use domain generalization algorithms to fine-tune the model parameters. First, we use the VoxCeleb2 dataset to train ECAPA-TDNN as a baseline model. Then, use the CHT-TDSV dataset and the following domain generalization algorithms to fine-tune it: DANN, CDNN, Deep CORAL. Our proposed system tests 10 different scenarios in the NSYSU-TDSV dataset, including a single device and multiple devices. Finally, in the scenario of multiple devices, the best equal error rate decreased from 18.39 in the baseline to 8.84. Successfully achieved cross-device identification on the speaker verification system.
起訖頁 87-94
關鍵詞 語者驗證領域泛化深度神經網路Speaker VerificationDomain GeneralizationDeep Neural Networks
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202112 (2021期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Exploiting Low-Resource Code-Switching Data to Mandarin-English Speech Recognition Systems
該期刊-下一篇 Integrated Semantic and Phonetic Post-correction for Chinese Speech Recognition




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