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A Study on Contextualized Language Modeling for Machine Reading Comprehension
作者 Chin-Ying WuYung-Chang HsuBerlin Chen (Berlin Chen)
With the recent breakthrough of deep learning technologies, research on machine reading comprehension (MRC) has attracted much attention and found its versatile applications in many use cases. MRC is an important natural language processing (NLP) task aiming to assess the ability of a machine to understand natural language expressions, which is typically operationalized by first asking questions based on a given text paragraph and then receiving machine-generated answers in accordance with the given context paragraph and questions. In this paper, we leverage two novel pretrained language models built on top of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), namely BERT-wwm and MacBERT, to develop effective MRC methods. In addition, we also seek to investigate whether additional incorporation of the categorical information about a context paragraph can benefit MRC or not, which is achieved based on performing context paragraph clustering on the training dataset. On the other hand, an ensemble learning approach is proposed to harness the synergistic power of the aforementioned two BERT-based models so as to further promote MRC performance.
起訖頁 48-57
關鍵詞 深度學習自然語言處理機器閱讀理解語言模型Deep LearningNatural Language ProcessingMachine Reading ComprehensionLanguage model
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202112 (2021期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 基於CNN+LSTM Model之語音情緒識別
該期刊-下一篇 長者日常對話與認知執行功能關係探討:使用詞向量與迴歸模型




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