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Nested Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Electronic Health Records with QA-based Sequence Labeling
Nested Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Electronic Health Records with QA-based Sequence Labeling
作者 Yu-Lun Chiang林志豪 (Chih-Hao Lin)Cheng-Lung Sung (Cheng-Lung Sung)Keh-Yih Su (Keh-Yih Su)
This study presents a novel QA-based sequence labeling (QASL) approach to naturally tackle both flat and nested Named Entity Recogntion (NER) tasks on a Chinese Electronic Health Records (CEHRs) dataset. This proposed QASL approach parallelly asks a corresponding natural language question for each specific named entity type, and then identifies those associated NEs of the same specified type with the BIO tagging scheme. The associated nested NEs are then formed by overlapping the results of various types. In comparison with those pure sequence-labeling (SL) approaches, since the given question includes significant prior knowledge about the specified entity type and the capability of extracting NEs with different types, the performance for nested NER task is thus improved, obtaining 90.70% of F1-score. Besides, in comparison with the pure QA-based approach, our proposed approach retains the SL features, which could extract multiple NEs with the same types without knowing the exact number of NEs in the same passage in advance. Eventually, experiments on our CEHR dataset demonstrate that QASL-based models greatly outperform the SL-based models by 6.12% to 7.14% of F1-score.
起訖頁 18-25
關鍵詞 Nested Named Entity RecognitionChinese Electronic Health RecordsQA-based Sequence Labeling
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202112 (2021期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 運用遷移式學習改善BERT於中文歌詞情緒分類模型之研發
該期刊-下一篇 AI Clerk Platform:資訊擷取DIY平台




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