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土地經濟年刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 賴碧瑩鄭乃榮
The urban land consolidation has been implemented for more than 60 years. The decision on the land lot area and the size of the lot is the key to the success of the land consolidation and the smooth implementation. The urban land consolidation is a land development method promoted by the urban planning of many governments. The purpose is to allow the governments to obtain land for public facilities, and to help the reorganization of land fragments and accelerate the development of public construction. When urban land consolidation, there will be situations such as too narrow lot width and lot area. Such land allocation will lead to difficulties in architectural design and hinder the progress of land development. Therefore, this study makes an in-depth analysis of the relationship between land allocation area, road width and depth and land price.
This research uses the hedonic price method to conduct empirical research, and investigates the case of urban land rezoning in Pingtung County. According to statistical analysis, 70% of the lot area in the urban land consolidation area is concentrated between 100 and 200 square meters. It follow by the regulation control of abnormal land in various counties stipulate that the land lot area has reached 25 to 86 square meters. The average unit price of land transactions is at 280,000 per ping and mean unit price is at 330000 per ping between 2012 to 2017.
The empirical results of the regression model show that the semi-logarithmic regression model of the hedonic price model of the total land price has better explanatory power (Adj-R274.9%) and the independent variables have the significant effect. The factors that affect the land price of rezoning include 'land transfer area', 'land transfer area greater than 100 square meters', 'land width', 'road width', 'administrative area', 'street corner land', etc. factor. It means to the land design on urban land consolidation.
起訖頁 23-48
關鍵詞 土地分配面積地價迴歸分析市地重劃Lot AreaLand PriceRegression Price ModelUrban Land Consolidation
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 202207 (33期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺中捷運綠線對周邊住宅價格影響之研究
該期刊-下一篇 應用空間自相關於花蓮縣地價稅外業清查作業之研究




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