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Place Rootedness: The Impact of Place-Based Outdoor Education and Indigenous Students' Place Bonding
作者 謝百淇郭子瑜顏瓊芬邱俊瀚
With a purpose to provide an adaptive education model to accommodate the indigenous students under the influence of global education, this research applied a place-based education and outdoor education as the framework to develop a one-year place-based outdoor education course. It was under a community-based participatory approach to collaborate with local teachers, elders, and community members. The research also investigated the effects of the course on the place bonding to the students. The course presents with different ethnic cultures, in helping students understand the cultural context of the place, and promoting their connections with people and the land. After the course being taught, they fully understand the relationships between themselves, the indigenous groups, and the places. They also realize their future goal in maintaining the cultural continuity with the traditional ecological knowledge of the indigenous peoples and rootedness to the place. Students from the Rukai indigenous elementary school in Pingtung County participated in this study. Based on a triangulation of observations, interviews, and documents, the findings showed that they, after the course, demonstrated a deeper sense of place in local area and understand their own roles and responsibilities in the place. However, whether the transformation of their sense of place is effective or not, or whether this sense could last longer, requires more follow-up research. Moreover, the sense of place bonding from different age groups and from those who have emigrated outside of the community is worth studying in the future.
起訖頁 129-154
關鍵詞 戶外教育地方連結地方本位教育原住民族傳統生態知識適性教育Outdoor EducationPlace BondingPlace-Based Education TraditionalEcological KnowledgeAppropriate education
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 202204 (25:2期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 永續發展教育架構下STREAM跨領域教育之探究
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