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Anti-Air Pollution Action in Puli: A Green Social Work Perspective
作者 黃彥宜 (Yen Yi Huang)黃資媛
細懸浮微粒(簡稱 PM2.5)對人體健康危害是目前全世界最熱門的議題之一,相關研究也指出埔里是臺灣 PM2.5 問題最嚴重的區域之一。 2014 年「埔里 PM2.5 空污減量自救會」由一群關心空污問題的婦女所成立,她們與國立暨南國際大學合作,為清淨空氣投入各種努力。本文運用綠社工之「跨學門合作」、「不均和環境正義」與「社區工作的重要性」等核心概念,分析自救會自2016 年迄今的反空污行動,並針對社會工作的傳統論述提出省思。爰引綠社工的論述作為理論架構,目的不在用西方理論框架在地經驗,而是在尋求不同國家經驗間相互學習和對話,希冀能啟發臺灣社會工作對環境議題的關注。
研究發現,自救會著重從個人生活中減少空污,並運用科技以證據說服埔里居民相信空污的嚴重性,及引介藝術媒介將複雜的科學知識轉譯成居民可以理解的語言以認識 PM2.5 的危害,繼而促發集體行動。面對日益惡化的環境和空污問題,社會工作者有一個機會可以扮演更積極的角色,發展新的論述和實施領域。
Particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) is a serious threat to human health globally. The town of Puli in Taiwan is one of the areas that is most severely affected by PM2.5 pollution. In 2014, the Puli PM2.5 Reduction Association was founded by a group of townswomen who were concerned about the increase in air pollution in the area. These women collaborated with National Chi Nan University to devise and implement a variety of clean air initiatives. This article discusses the efforts of the Puli PM2.5 Reduction Association undertaken from 2016 to the present from the perspective of green social work. The issues of transdisciplinary collaboration, inequality, and environmental justice are analyzed, with an emphasis on the importance of community work; the traditional discourses on social work are also discussed. The application of green social work as the theoretical framework does not reflect an intention to apply Western theories to this local experience; rather, the intention is to establish mutual learning and dialogue between countries and to inspire the social work community of Taiwan to pay attention to environmental issues.
The Puli PM2.5 Reduction Association promotes the reduction of air pollution attributable to the activities of daily life. They use technology to provide the residents with evidence of the severity of air pollution in Puli and use art to convey complex scientific information through comprehensible language; this helps the residents understand the threats posed by PM2.5 to the environment and human health and inspires collective action. Social workers can play a more active role in developing alternative discourses and practical approaches for dealing with the worsening environmental and air pollution problems.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 綠社工環境正義空氣污染不均社區工作Green Social WorkEnvironmental JusticeAir PollutionInequalityCommunity Work
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202206 (18:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-下一篇 根紮臺灣至國際發展:生態轉型觀點下臺灣家扶的國際人道援助與發展工作轉型之路




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