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應用Fuzzy AHP探討自行車旅遊產品選擇準則
Multi-Criteria Product Selection of Bike tour Event Using Fuzzy AHP
作者 林濰榕周弘奇羅斯婷
觀光局訂定 2021 年為自行車旅遊年,民眾也開始關注自行車旅遊產品。本研究目的在探討經驗車友與一般消費者在選購自行車旅遊產品時所考量的準則,並發展準則權重,以提供旅遊業者做為自行車遊程設計的參考指標。本研究首先以文獻回顧歸納整理出自行車旅遊產品選擇準則共 42 項,接著邀請自行車旅遊領域的 11 位專家進行共識篩選,並輔以訪談修正準則用詞及定義,而剩下 24 項準則。最後再以修正德菲法問卷進行最終共識確認,得到六個因素及 24 項準則。本研究將最終因素及準則設計成AHP 問卷,以模糊層級分析法(FAHP)進行分析,探討經驗車友與一般消費者兩個客群在自行車旅遊產品選擇準則上之權重。研究結果顯示,經驗車友在整體層級串聯排序前五項準則依序為「團費合理」、「過去參團經驗」、「資訊完整」、「騎乘距離」及「親友推薦」;一般消費者在在整體層級串聯排序前五項準則依序為「團費合理」、「親友推薦」、「過去參團經驗」、「網路評語佳」及「資訊完整」。研究結果可為旅行社在未來設計自行車遊程上,提供客觀且符合市場需求的標準。
The Tourism Bureau set 2021 as the year of bicycle tourism, and people began to pay attention to bicycle tourism products. The purpose of this study is to explore the criteria for experienced riders and general consumers when purchasing bicycle tourism products, and develop guidelines to provide tourists as a reference index for bicycle travel design. In this study, the literature reviewed 42 standards for the choice of bicycle tourism product selection, and then invited 11 experts in the field of bicycle tourism to conduct consensus screening, supplemented by interviews to correct the standards and definitions, and 24 guidelines were left. Finally, the revised Delphi questionnaire was used for final consensus confirmation, and six factors and 24 criteria were obtained. In this study, the final factors and criteria are designed into an AHP questionnaire and analyzed by Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to explore the selection guidelines between the experienced riders and general consumers in the bicycle tourism products. The results show that the top five criteria of experienced riders are 'reasonable tour fee', 'past tour experience', 'complete information', 'riding distance' and 'relatives and friends recommendation'; The top five criteria for general consumers are 'reasonable tour fee', 'recommended by relatives and friends', 'past experience in participating in tour groups', 'good online comments' and 'complete information'. The results of the study can provide an objective and market-oriented standard for travel agencies in designing bicycle trips in the future.
起訖頁 37-58
關鍵詞 自行車旅遊套裝旅遊產品修正德菲法模糊層級分析法Bicycle tourismPackage tourism productsModified Delphi Method(MDM)Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process(FAHP)
刊名 觀光旅遊研究學刊  
期數 202206 (17:1期)
出版單位 銘傳大學觀光學院
該期刊-上一篇 微型創業成功模式建構之研究──以烘焙業為例
該期刊-下一篇 金門農業試驗所休閒農場體驗價值之研究




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