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A Concept Analysis of Family Cohesion
作者 官喬琪孫慧芳潘雪幸 (Hsueh-Hsing Pan)
家庭凝聚力是以家為出發點,以家庭為單位所形成家人間的支持力量,是病人罹病時最主要的支持系統,亦是社會與國家的基本單位。國內文獻多以青少年及弱勢族群成長有關之家庭凝聚力研究,至今仍缺乏用於臨床醫護人員對家庭凝聚力有系統的概念分析。因此,本文運用Walker及Avant (2019) 所描述的概念分析步驟:選擇概念、概念的定義、定義性特徵,介紹典型案例、邊緣案例及相反案例、前置因子與後果、實證性測量工具、實證運用,結果發現家庭凝聚力為以家庭為單位的家人緊密接合在一起的行為或狀態,成員間可感受到彼此關心、連結與支持程度、一同參與家庭活動。期望藉由本文讓護理人員對家庭凝聚力有進一步的認識及了解,適時評估並提供護理措施,促進病人、家庭及社會的健康。
Family cohesion is the starting point of the family, and the support provided by the family as a unit is the most important support system for patients when they are unwell. It is also the basic unit of society and the country. Many studies at home and abroad are related to the research of family cohesion related to the growth of social workers and adolescents. However, a systematic conceptual analysis of family cohesion by clinical medical staff is lacking. Therefore, this article uses the concept analysis steps described by Walker and Avant (2019). We select a concept, determine the aims or purpose of the analysis, determine the attributes, construct model, borderline, and contrary cases, identify antecedents and consequences, and define empirical referents and applications. It is hoped that through this article, nursing staff will obtain a better understanding of family cohesion, which will help them assess the profile of family cohesion and provide timely nursing measures to maintain the health of patients, the family, and the whole society.
起訖頁 29-37
關鍵詞 家庭凝聚力概念分析family cohesionconcept analysis
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 202206 (33:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 住院期間腦出血病人的肢體功能、憂鬱症狀與生活品質關係探討
該期刊-下一篇 孕期壓力之概念分析




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