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On the Compiling Context of the Song Poetry Collections in the Past Dynasties
作者 王友勝
The compilation of the Song Poetry collection by editors is not only a simple literary act but often comes from a clear motive of compilation and has a particular cultural generation mechanism and academic ecological environment. First of all, in terms of the political context, the ruler used the compilation of the literature collection to extol the current politics and forcefully promote the emperor’s thought of literary governance or mainstream poetics. In order to establish the model of poetry, the literati advocated the traditional poetry teaching of Confucianism to educate the readers. The survivors used it to express their political emotions. Secondly, in terms of the educational context, the song poetry collection can be used to reveal the way of writing, to guide beginners, or to entertain themselves or others. Thirdly, as far as the poetic context is concerned, the poetry selected by the poet shows the literary theory of the editor and is used to correct the deficiency of a particular theory or to launch poetic debates and disputes. Finally, as far as the commercial context is concerned, folk bookshops often select some popular and practical collections of Song Poems for printing and selling, pursuing commercial profits, even at the expense of changing the collection. When the song Poetry collection is used as teaching material, its commercial profit is often significant.
起訖頁 31-55
關鍵詞 宋詩總集編纂刻印動機語境Poems of the Song DynastyCompilationEngraveMotivationContext
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202203 (76期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《左傳》中的「司馬」──論「司馬」與「詩」
該期刊-下一篇 「道統」與「心體」:明代蔡清《四書蒙引》朱學深化與衍異考察




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