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Action Research on the Influence of Life Story Curriculum in the After School Program on the Learning Effectiveness of Life Education for Junior high School Students
作者 李泓穎
Based on the theme of life stories, this study conducted an action study of the eight-week life education course for four junior high school students. This research action research course topic is included: Appreciation of life, comfortable in my skin, Facing impermanence, education on adaptability and survival, dedication, and faith and life. The research found: (1) The curriculum designed by the teacher can enhance the learning interest of the students in the after school program. (2) Through the studied of life stories, students can experience the relationship between the protagonist of the story and their own lives, and have a positive influence. Research recommendations: (1) The life education course of the after-school class should be implemented for a long time to increase students' interest in learning. (2) It is advisable to set up an individual tutoring mechanism to allow each student to understand more abstract or unfamiliar life issues.
起訖頁 65-100
關鍵詞 生命教育生命故事國中生學習成效life storylife educationJunior high school studentslearning effectiveness
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202205 (47期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣學生競爭意識與害怕失敗對數學素養關聯之探討:以PISA 2018資料為例




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