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The Impact of No. 54 Auditing Standard on the Audit Quality of the Combined Financial Statements with Shared Audit Report-Perception from Credit Rating Agency
作者 劉福運 (Fu-Yun Liu)林岳喬 (Y.C .George Lin)
In response to the global trend of emphasis on the auditing of group financial statements, the Accounting Research and Development Foundation for Financial Institutions (ARDF) issued an audit standard, Statement of Standard No. 54 ''Special Considerations for Audits of Group Financial Statements'' (SAS No. 54) to replaces the Statement of Standard No. 15, ''Accounting for Audits Using Other Accountants'' and implemented in 2015. According to the past related literature, companies with shared audit reports issued exhibit poor financial report audit quality. This new standard (SAS No. 54) is aimed to resolve this issue by setting up more restrictive standards and obligation for the engaging auditor to issue shared audit reports. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to examine whether SAS No.54 can mitigate the negative impact of shared audit reports on capital market's perceived audit quality, which is measured by the credit rating or the weighted average cost of new loans in the current year. The empirical results show that negative impact of firm's shared audit proportion on firm's credit rating is mitigated after the introduction of SAS No.54. In addition, the difference in weighted average cost of new loan between firms with shared audit reports and their matched counterparts (without shared audit reports) is significantly reduced after the introduction of SAS No.54. The above empirical findings tend to suggest that, through more restrictive standards and obligation for engaging auditors to issue shared audit report, SAS No.54 can effectively mitigate the capital market's concerns about the audit quality of shared audit report.
起訖頁 111-137
關鍵詞 集團企業54號公報責任分攤式查核報告審計品質Group enterpriseSAS No. 54Shared audit reportAudit quality
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 202206 (12:1期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 職能區分對盈餘資訊性之影響──以財會主管異動公司為例




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