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傳染HIV 罪的公衛倫理與共同責任
The Public Ethics and Shared Responsibility of Criminal Transmission of HIV
作者 游宗翰
The right to sexual health states that everyone is entitled to thehighest standard of sexual and reproductive health, not only fromdisease or infirmity, but also from the possibility of sexual pleasure andsafe sexual experiences. However, in a culture of sexual taboo anddiscrimination, public health uses the principle of non-maleficence andpatriarchy to prevent and treat HIV in the name of criminal sanctionsagainst sexual activity, neglect of sexual pleasure, and emphasis on thepersonal responsibility of the infected person. This has been criticizedby international organizations as a criminal sanction that fails to achievepublic health objectives and calls for the concept of sharedresponsibility. There is no public justification or moral justification forArticle 21 in our country's HIV prevention and treatment policy, sothere is room for improvement. This paper argues that the crime of HIVtransmission should be removed if it fails to pass the ethical test, and that it should reflect on the fallacy of the public health model under thetaboo culture, address the sexual desire and culture of individuals andcommunities, and strengthen people's sense of shared responsibility.
起訖頁 95-150
關鍵詞 HIV/AIDS公共衛生倫理共同責任性健康性愉悅性權人類免疫缺乏病毒防治及感染者權益保障條例HIV/AIDSpublic ethicsshared responsibilitysexualhealthsexual pleasuresexual rightsHIV InfectionControl and Patient Rights Protection Act
刊名 醫藥、科技與法律  
期數 202204 (27:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學科技法律研究所;臺灣醫事法律學會;臺北醫學大學醫療暨生物科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論醫療協助死亡-─以美國新墨西哥州為例




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