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Vegetation of Wenshan Forest Station, National Chung Hsing University
作者 王偉杜采芙邱清安曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)林志銓曾喜育
中興大學文山林場為臺灣北部地區重要水源涵養林,為能提供實驗林管理處經營管理需求進行林場植群調查。本研究共調查29個森林樣區(15 m×15 m),樣區紀錄100科213屬346種維管束植物,包括34種臺灣特有種與9種稀有植物以及3種歸化種。群團分析結果顯示,以喬木層優勢種命名可以將植群區分為江某型、相思樹型、水同木型、紅楠型、香楠型與山紅柿-大明橘型等6型。降趨對應分析結果與群團分析大致相同,而典型對應分析顯示植群的分布主要受到海拔、全天光空域與水分梯度之影響而分化。若未受干擾情況下,文山林場中坡至嶺線的森林將以紅楠為優勢,溪谷區域則以水同木、江某為優勢,最後將演替成具代表性的臺灣北部低海拔常綠闊葉林。本研究不僅能了解文山林場的森林現況,亦能提供北部低海拔山區森林經營管理與生態研究之參考。
The Wenshan Forest Station of Chung Hsing University, located in North Taiwan, plays an important role in conserving water. To understand the forest management requirements of the Experimental Forest Management Office of National Chung Hsing University, a survey on 29 forest vegetation plots (15 m×15 m) was conducted. A total of 346 vascular plants that belonged to 213 genera and 100 families were recorded, including 34 endemic species, 9 rare species, and 3 naturalized species. The result of cluster analysis showed that the forest vegetation was classified into six types based on the dominant species: Schefflera octophylla type, Acacia confusa type, Ficus benguetensis type, Machilus thunbergii type, Machilus zuihoensis type, and Diospyros morrisiana-Myrsine sequinii type. The result of descending correspondence analysis was roughly similar to that of the cluster analysis, whereas the result of canonical correspondence analysis showed that the distribution of vegetation was mainly affected by altitude, whole light sky space, and water gradients. According to the results of the population structure and vegetation survey, if undisturbed, the forest from the middle slope to the ridge will be dominated by M. thunbergii, whereas the riparian will be dominated by S. octophylla and F. benguetensis, and the forest will succeed in becoming a typical low-altitude broad-leaved evergreen forest in North Taiwan. This study provides an understanding about the current situation of Wenshan Forest Station and serves as a basis for forest management and ecological research in low-altitude mountainous areas.
起訖頁 71-86
關鍵詞 文山林場植群演替群團分析典型對應分析Wenshan Forestry Stationvegetationsuccessioncluster analysiscanonical correspondence analysis.
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202206 (44:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 新化林場賞螢之環境解說效益
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣原生鐵炮型百合於惠蓀實驗林場之栽植方式評估




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