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Reflections on my 2013 visit to Canadian Human Rights Institutions
作者 郭銘禮
本文以2013 年訪問加拿大人權機構之回顧為基礎,對於台灣的國家人權機制提出建議。透過制定人權法,使得加拿大人權委員會及人權審判庭得以處理反歧視案件,並且以促進和解的方式解決爭端,極少數以人權審判庭裁判的案件,仍得以尋求加拿大聯邦司法權的救濟。加拿大人權委員會被評鑑為完全符合巴黎原則的國家人權機構,在國內發揮促進、保障與落實人權的作用,在國際積極參與各個人權機制。加拿大各省有類似的人權機制。非政府組織與法律扶助機構也發揮監督政府與協助人民的作用。加拿大聯邦政府由外交部、司法部等各權責部門負責落實國際人權公約以及提交報告。台灣的監察院在監察法中增訂國家人權委員會職權行使專章草案,立法院於審議時,如果認為需要另外擬定反歧視法作為國家人權委員會的作用法之一,或許可以參考加拿大的相關機制,增設人權審判庭,與國家人權委員會共同以促成和解為目標,並允許人民對於人權審判庭的裁判尋求司法救濟而獲得司法控制。共同解決各種形式的歧視所造成的爭端。
Based on the review of a visit to Canadian Human Rights Institutes in 2013, this article offers recommendations to Taiwan for the development of the national human rights system. Based on the Human Rights Act, both the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal are competent to handle anti-discrimination cases, and to solve disputes, mainly by promoting settlements. The parties can still appeal to the federal court for judicial review. The Canadian Human Rights Commission has been accredited as fully compliant with the Paris Principles. Its function is to promote, protect and fulfill human rights within Canada, while being actively involved in various international human rights mechanisms. The federal human rights system exists in provinces. NGOs and legal aid centers are helpful in monitoring the government and assisting the people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Justice, together with other ministries of the federal government are responsible for the fulfillment of treaty obligations and the submission of national reports. The Control Yuan of Taiwan has drafted in the Control Act a chapter regarding the competence of Taiwan’s National Human Rights Commission, which is under review by the Legislative Yuan. If it is necessary to draft an anti-discrimination law for the National Human Rights Commission, the Canadian human rights system could be an option. The National Human Rights Commission can work with a future human rights tribunal to promote settlements, allowing people to appeal to courts for judicial control, and solving all forms of discriminatory disputes.
起訖頁 91-109
關鍵詞 國家人權委員會監察院加拿大人權委員會加拿大人權審判庭加拿大人權法監察院國家人權委員會組織法監察院國家人權委員會職權行使法草案監察法巴黎原則National Human Rights CommissionControl YuanThe Canadian Human Rights Commissionthe Canadian Human Rights Tribunalthe Canadian Human Rights ActOrganic Act of the Control Yuan National Human Rights Commissionthe Control Yuan National Human Rights Commission Power Exercise Actthe Control ActParis Principles
刊名 臺灣人權學刊  
期數 202206 (6:3期)
出版單位 東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 轉型正義的機制與脈絡因素之比較研究──以西班牙與臺灣為例
該期刊-下一篇 探照白色恐怖裡的人性:「回到判決的那一天──陳武鎮藝術創作展」策展理念




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