英文摘要 |
The concept of the horizontal effect of constitutional rights needs to be clarified, and different levels of meaning must be distinguished. In order to emphasize that this effect need not be based on the citizen-state relationship, the direct horizontal effect should be affirmed on the level of normative basis. Conversely, on the level of norm application, the indirect horizontal effect should be the principle, in order to emphasize that constitutional law and civil law are complementary and intertwined. In this way, the direct and the indirect effect an each have their place and be compatible. When applied between private persons, constitutional rights have different operational framework and normative properties than when applied to the state. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the standards of justification for the state will be applied to private persons. This operational framework is not an asymmetric arrangement that disadvantages only one party, but a
symmetric balancing of equal freedoms of private persons. In terms of normative properties, the constitution is not only public law. Rather, constitutional rights, insofar as they apply between private persons, are norms of private law.