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Populism and Development of Democratic Politics: The Case of India
作者 魏玫娟 (Mei-chuan Wei)
2008 年全球金融風暴發生後,歐洲與拉美國家出現民粹主義政黨並選出民粹主義國家領袖,再度引發學界研究民粹主義的現象;這股民粹主義政治風潮於2016 年英國公投中脫歐派過半、川普當選美國總統後達到高峰。在亞洲,對民粹主義的討論聚焦於兩度當選印度總理之印度教民族主義政黨黨員莫迪上。從現代化理論觀之,印度民主的出現及穩定運作被視為偏差案例,且被視為民主威脅之民粹主義一直為其民主特點之一。本文藉由對後殖民印度史上主要的民粹主義運動及其論述進行之經驗分析,試圖與民粹主義和民主之理論論辯進行對話,期對相關議題之研究有所貢獻。
The aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis has seen the (re)emergence of populism. This “wave of populism” has continued, and reached its climax in 2016 when Trump was elected the U.S. President, and the UKIP succeeded in persuading the majority of the British participating in the referendum to vote to leave the EU. In Asia, scholarly discussion about populism has focused on the landslide victories of India’s populist leader of the Hindu nationalist BJP, Narenda Modi in the elections of 2014 and 2019. Indian democracy has been regarded as a case “defying the odds” from the perspective of modernisation theory. It had emerged and been maintained in socioeconomic conditions unfavourable for democracy. Moreover, populism has always been a salient characteristic of Indian democracy. Using India as the case, this article seeks to engage in theo-retical debate about populism and democracy through an empirical analysis of major populist movements in the country’s post-independence history.
起訖頁 117-151
關鍵詞 民粹主義民主印度印度教民族主義農業與農民民粹主義語言與族群民族主義社會主義populismdemocracyIndiaHindu nationalismagrarian and peasant populismlinguistic and ethnic nationalismsocialism
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 202203 (34:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2022033401004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 2018年九合一選舉網路反政黨情緒:大數據的面向與來源
該期刊-下一篇 左翼民粹主義:理論與戰略的反思




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