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On Cultivation of Youth Leadership Power by University’s International Education
作者 廖昌珺翁福元
Due to the development of information and community technology (ICT), radical global competition, academic exchange and knowledge dissemination, hence, that the university pay much more attention to international education. Moreover, the governments believe that the youth is the most important power to enhance the state competitive strength in a radical international competition. Therefore, the government not only asks the university to provide international education programme but also to cultivate their students the international leadership literacy. For this reason, currently, how to foster the young people with international leadership competency by international education in higher educational institutions has become one of hottest topics in higher education. This is why this paper aims at exploring the issue of “How can the university develop global competitive and/or leadership competency for their students through international education?”. Excluding the introduction and conclusion sections, this paper is divided into three main sections. Firstly, this paper discusses the role and function of the youth leadership capacity plays in university campus. Secondly, the authors explore how the international education plays its role for cultivating global leadership competency in university. Thirdly, the ways and/or strategies to combine the implementation of international education with the strategy to foster university students with global leadership competency have been discussed. In the conclusions section, this paper affords the suggestions that could be helpful for the policy makers, university managers, and the practitioners to cultivate the youth the global leadership capacity through the university campus.
起訖頁 231-249
關鍵詞 國際教育領導能力領導力培育青年領導力大學international educationleadership competencyleadership developmentyouth leadershipuniversity
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202203 (3:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 提升我國教師學習歷程檔案專業素養可行作為
該期刊-下一篇 從傳統師資培育到文化教育產業:臺東大學教育系與數媒系的轉型發展經驗




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