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Discussion on the Campus Construction Project of the University Run by Buddhist Groups
作者 曾漢珍
曾漢珍(1994)在其博士論文中的核心議題,認為在整個建築生產過程觀之,規劃階段更容易把教育的內涵與學校的特色展現其中。若能就影響學校建築規劃設計連續性的課題:「教育計畫中需求評估與轉化」以及「參與人員的決定」作為掌握全面品質的具體作為。本研究以筆者擔任國立臺北大學及法鼓文理學院總務長的實務經驗,總覺得面對校園建設之規劃設計課題,脫離不了上述的問題框架。雖校園建設的運作大同小異,仍認為對佛教團體興辦之大學校園建設,有必要進一步釐清其可能的差異性。 本文擬從一般大學校園規劃之理論文獻與實務經驗中,加入佛教元素的分析,藉此釐清佛教團體興辦大學之校園建設課題。研究結果顯示,由於佛教團體興辦之大學均以綜合大學為目標,在籌設組織、建設方式及規劃設計內容上並無明顯之差異。
The core topic of Tseng Hann-Jen (1994) in his doctoral dissertation was that it was easier to show the connotation of education and the characteristics of the campus in the planning stage of the whole construction production process. If you took the issues that affected the continuity of school building planning and design: 'evaluation and transformation of needs in education plans' and 'decisions of participants' as specific actions to master the overall quality. Based on the author's practical experience as the general secretary of the National Taipei University and Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts in this study, I always felt that the planning and design issues facing campus construction could not be separated from the above-mentioned problem framework. Although the operation of campus construction is similar, it is still necessary to further clarify the possible differences in the construction of university campuses established by Buddhist groups. This article aims to analyse the campus construction issues of Buddhist groups running universities. Through the practical experience of analysis of Buddhist elements and the theoretical literature , so as to clarify the campus construction issues. The results of the research show that since the universities established by Buddhist groups all aimed at comprehensive universities, there are no obvious differences in the organization, construction methods, and content of planning and design.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 佛教團體大學校園建設大學校園規劃設計學校建築buddhist groupscampus constructioncampus planning and designschool architecture
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202203 (3:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 高等技職教育政策精進研究──以臺灣教改後之重大政策為例




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