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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study of Self-disclosure on SLOWLY App Stories
作者 蕭盛澤劉立行
受到疫情的影響,許多人的生活模式改為遠端辦公或視訊上課。居家隔離期間的生活模式變動,使孤獨與寂寞議題受到注意。透過網路社群軟體關心朋友間彼此的動態,或試圖從交友軟體上擴大自己的交友圈,可能是人們的普遍日常。過去在社交媒體或網路社群的自我揭露(self-disclosure)的研究,關注的是人們與電腦中介傳播的人際互動關係、親密關係與疾病敘事等,進一步探討自我揭露的經驗以及對生活的影響。往後的研究,則關注手機應用程式的交友軟體上,探討自我揭露與隱私、網路戀情、液態的關係等,從多元的視野探討人們的網路行為與經驗。而數位筆友的交流過程是與陌生人產生對話的敘事文本,從文本中的生命經驗與敘事脈絡找尋自我揭露的意涵。本研究為探討數位筆友的自我揭露行為,以及人際交流與自我揭露的經驗,進一步從經驗中了解對於生活的影響。以立意取樣(Purposive Sampling)從SLOWLY 故事的網站篩選以中文書寫之原作,盡可能地在相近的文化脈絡中分析文本。藉由Lieblich、Tuval-Mashiach 和Zilber 提出之敘事分析方式(Narrativeanalysis),本研究取其中的部分向度「類別-內容」進行分析。從敘事文本分析過程發現,數位筆友通過書信文字的自我揭露過程,更能分享彼此的生活經驗與心情或者傾聽他人的故事,進一步產生未來對陌生人互動及自我揭露的可能。
Affected by the epidemic, many people's lifepatterns have changed to remote office or video lessons.Changes in life patterns during home isolation havebrought the issue of loneliness and loneliness to the fore.It may be common daily life for people to care about eachother's dynamics among friends through online socialmedia, or try to expand their circle of friends from datingapps. Past research on self-disclosure in social mediaor online communities has focused on interpersonalinteractions, intimacy, and disease narratives betweenpeople and computer-mediated communication, furtherexploring the experience of self-disclosure and theimpact on life influence. Subsequent research will focuson the dating software of mobile apps, and explore therelationship between self-disclosure and privacy, onlineromance, and liquid love, and explore people’s onlinebehaviors and experiences from multiple perspectives.The communication process of digital pen pals is anarrative text that generates dialogue with strangers,and seeks the meaning of self-disclosure from the lifeexperience and narrative context in the text. This studyaims to explore the self-disclosure behaviors of digitalpen pals, as well as the experience of interpersonalcommunication and self-disclosure, and to furtherunderstand the impact on life from the experience.Purposive Sampling was used to select original workswritten in Chinese from the website of SLOWLY stories,and to analyze the texts in a similar cultural context asmuch as possible. Using the Narrative analysis methodproposed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber , thisstudy takes part of the dimension 'category-content' foranalysis. From the process of narrative text analysis, it isfound that through the process of self-disclosure throughletters and texts, pen pals can share each other’s lifeexperiences and feelings or listen to other people’sstories, further generating the possibility of futureinteraction and self-disclosure with strangers.
起訖頁 359-367
關鍵詞 數位筆友自我揭露交友軟體智慧型手機中介傳播SLOWLYDigital pen palSelf-disclosureDating appsSmartphone-mediated communicationSLOWLY app
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 資料圖文化對社群媒體傳播影響力之研究
該期刊-下一篇 利用Dlib深度殘差學習實作人臉辨識──以google meet線上會議點名為例




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