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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Research on the Visual Communication of Images Messages for Anti-epidemic Posters
作者 郭大海王藍亭莊元薰
本研究旨在探討新冠肺炎(COVID-19) 防疫海報圖像訊息之視覺傳達性,運用各種圖像訊息之傳達性研究,並以具有代表性之防疫海報圖像訊息,透過各種媒介傳遞且從其中分析其視覺傳達性,並探討以何種類型視覺傳達性最為大眾所能接受,並且獲得迅速之回應與防護處理。本研究運用觀察法、內容分析法、問卷調查法等,探討防疫海報之視覺傳達性,研究樣本取樣以五種常見的防疫海報圖像,分析圖像訊息之視覺傳達性。本研究綜合統計結果得知: 防疫海報樣本整體得分A05 海報圖像最高;在性別變項上有顯著性差異的樣本為:A02、A03、A04、A05 等樣本;在職業類別變項上,所有樣本均呈現顯著性差異水準;在年齡層類別變項上,也是所有樣本同樣也都呈現顯著性差異水準。結果得知: 防疫海報圖像應著重於主題呈現,適度的文字,避免過多內容與文字造成失焦,善用色彩搭配與圖像有助於提高觀看者理解性及傳達性。
The research mainly investigate about theprevention photos and videos related to 'COVID-19' andthe effect can be displayed on different type of variousinformation channels. The visual communication effectscan be analyzed via a number of representative images,pictures, text messages. The point we discuss that whattype of visual presentation effect is most acceptablewith public, and how to obtain immediate response andpreventive measure, the information analyzed can beprovided for application and improvement of InternetAnti-epidemic Propaganda in future. In this study,exploring the visual communication effect of the InternetCOVID-19 prevention propaganda via the methodsof propaganda were observation, content analysis,questionnaire survey, etc. By using epidemic preventionposters from website as the theme execute analysis andsampling of the materials and samples, which one canobtain an effective effect. Each one will be samplingfive most common samples for the analysis and exploreits communication effect. The statistical results of thisstudy found: the overall score of the epidemic preventionposter sample A05 poster image is the highest. In terms ofgender variables, there is no significant difference on theA01 poster image samples. The samples with significantdifferences in gender variables are: A02, A03, A04, A05poster image. In terms of occupational category variables,all the 5 samples showed significant differences. In termsof age category variables, all 10 samples show significantdifferences. The results of this study revealed that: antiepidemicPosters images should focus on thematicpresentation and moderate text. Posters should avoid too much content and text causing out of focus. Posters makegood use of color and imagery to help improve viewercomprehension and Communicative.
起訖頁 249-261
關鍵詞 防疫海報圖像訊息視覺傳達Anti-epidemic PostersImages MessagesVisual Communication
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣市售水果口味酒精飲料之視覺意象與色彩研究
該期刊-下一篇 商業資訊圖表之設計認知模式研究




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