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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An Exploration of Immersion Factors- Flow Experience and Learning Motivation on Mixed- Reality Instruction Games
作者 陳宥瑄王健華高郁凱林愛雅黃靖婷
心流經驗與學習動機是遊戲學式習中判斷沉浸程度的兩項重要因素。研究指出在虛擬情境的遊戲式學習中,心流經驗與學習動機會影響遊戲學習的效果。然而混合實境與虛擬實境不同,遊戲者實際上會與真實世界中的人與物產生互動,進而產生不同的沉浸效果。本研究以自製認識淡水史蹟文物的混合實境遊戲為工具進行一項實驗,以了解混合實境遊戲學習中參與者的心流經驗與學習動機,以及其等對遊戲效果的影響。共計57 位綜合大學與科技大學的學生參與實驗,以淡水重要史蹟了解程度前、後測、心流經驗量表、以及學習動機量表等三項研究工具收集資料,共獲得52 組有效資料。研究結果除顯示實施本研究所發展之認識淡水文物混合實境遊戲顯著增進參與者對遊戲所介紹史蹟之了解外,更發現參與者的心流經驗與學習動機尚稱良好,且兩者間有高度的關連性,但心流經驗與學習動機對遊戲學習效果沒有明顯的影響。後者與先前多數有關虛擬實境遊戲學習研究所得之結果並不一致。建議後續研究繼續深入探索能有效影響混合實境遊戲效果的因子,作為開發此類遊戲學習策略的參考。
Flow experience and learning motivation haveconsidered as important indicators for immersion in mobilegames. Research indicates that flow experience and learningmotivation affect the outcomes of virtual-reality (VR) games.Mixed reality (MR) game, however, is quite different from VRgame because players in MR games are able to live-interactwith people or objects in real world, resulting in different gameeffects, consequently affect the player’s immersion during thegameplay. This study conducted an experiment and employedan exclusively designed mixed-reality game to explore theinfluences of flow experience and learning motivation in mixedreality game environment. A total of 57 subjects from eithernormal or technology universities were recruited to experiencethe mixed-reality game that guides them to recognize thehistories of several relics in Tamsui, Taipei city of Taiwan.A pretest, a posttest of Tamsui history recognition, a flowexperience inventory, and a learning motivation survey weregiven to all subjects to acquire research data. Results indicatethat mixed reality game significantly improves subject’srecognition of local histories. Results also reveal that subject’sflow experience and learning motivation are medium, but arepositively related. However, there is no meaningful relationbetween flow experience/learning motivation and gains onlocal history recognition. The latter is incoherent with mostpast mobile game studies. Further studies that could exploreinfluential factors on game effects are suggested.
起訖頁 211-225
關鍵詞 混合實境遊戲沉浸度心流經驗學習動機mixed reality gameimmersionflow experiencelearning motivation
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 遊戲式學習效率與時間管理之應用研究
該期刊-下一篇 冰棒包裝色彩之消費者喜好調查──以台灣四大超商為例




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