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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Influence of Online Novels Market on Readers' Reading Attitude
作者 吳海敏
網路的應用無處不在的滲透於我們的生活,當移動網路發展成熟時,人們似乎更習慣透過網路搜尋進行碎片式閱讀。台灣是帶領網路小說流行的先驅,然而如今中國的網路小說市場發展蓬勃,台灣市場卻在倒退。根據調查讀者對網路小說的選擇、閱讀習慣與態度,網路小說平台能如何回應讀者需求作出改進?本研究透過問卷調查法以方便取樣的方式針對18-28 歲年青網路小說讀者發放,共回收有效問卷110 份,並以資料分析軟件SPSS Statistics 25 進行統計,並以因素分析、獨立樣本T 檢定和Pearon 相關性分析,分析讀者對網路小說的閱讀習慣是否會影響他們的閱讀態度。研究發現以手機閱讀免費網路小說能提升讀者閱讀及分享網路小說的意願。獨特的內容創意和深夜閱讀習慣可以增加讀者對小說作品的黏著度。調查數據顯示70.9% 受訪者已習慣免費閱讀網路小說,因此網路平台管理應配合大部分讀者的閱讀習慣而調整。另外平台亦應帶動市場良性競爭,提升作品品質以爭取商業合作創造附加價值。未來透過取得更大量的樣本數,並進行統計分析。台灣網路小說市場能更有效的針對台灣讀者需求和偏好在服務和作品上做出改進。
The application of internet were infiltrated ourlife everywhere. When the mobile web develops andbecomes mature, people seem to be more used topiecemeal reading through searching on the internet.Nowadays, online novels market in China is prosperouswhile that in Taiwan is shrinking. How will the onlinenovels platforms make improvements to meet thereaders’ requirements according to the survey ofreaders’ choices of online novels, reading habits andattitudes? In this study, answered by online novelsreaders in the year of 18-28, 110 valid questionnaireswere analyzed by using the software SPSS Statistics25, together with factor analysis, independent sampleT-test and Pearson correlation analysis to make clearif the online novels readers’ reading habits willaffect their reading attitudes. The study shows that freeonline reading through mobile phones can increase thereaders’ intention to read and share online novels.The unique creativity in content and the habit of stayingup late to read can improve the readers’ stickiness toonline novels. The survey data indicates that 70.9% ofthe respondents are used to reading free online novels.Therefore, the network platforms should be adaptedto the most readers’ reading habits. In addition, theplatforms should strive for the opportunities of businesscooperation to create added value by promoting healthycompetition on market and improving the quality ofworks. An analysis based on a larger quantity of sampleswill be made in the future so that Taiwan online novelsmarket will be able to improve its services and works more effectively according to the needs and preferencesof readers.
起訖頁 185-194
關鍵詞 網路小說市場參與度閱讀態度online novelmarket participationreading attitude
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 消費者對閱讀漫畫偏好之研究
該期刊-下一篇 Covid-19疫情下國內語言學習平台服務內容之比較探究──以英語類為例




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