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The Metaphor of the “Incomplete Individual”: Narrative of “Abnormality” in Hong Kong Novels After 1997
作者 黃冠翔
1997 年香港主權移交後,「過渡期」並未結束,反而在中、港實際且緊密的接觸過程中產生適應不良及磨合創傷,延續了「過渡」狀態。九七前香港小說主要表現對於城市前景悲觀的抑鬱氛圍;九七後,一些香港作家採取不同敘事策略反映香港主體性遭受侵蝕的現實情況。 話語的虛偽及收編。本文聚焦探討「非常態」敘事裡身體書寫如何作為立足本土立場對抗宏大敘述的姿態。小說中被迫淪為殘缺、非健康完整狀態的「不完整個體」逼視整個香港社會景況,對當權者及全體港人敲響警鐘。這些作品作為香港敘事裡建構香港(人)主體性的其中一脈,顯示九七後香港文學內涵抗拒簡單的收編工程,使香港文學在「回歸後」仍保有精神的獨立性,對香港文學此後發展深具重要意義。
After the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997, the transitional period for Hong Kong is still ongoing. On the contrary, during the close interaction process between Hong Kong and China, some situations happened such as maladaptation and adjustment trauma. Hong Kong novels written before 1997 mainly express the depressive atmosphere of city’s pessimistic outlook; the narrative of novels written after 1997, however, reveal the damaged subjectivity of Hong Kong under the repression of national system. The narrative of “abnormality” makes us see the social reality in Hong Kong, ringing alarm bells to the public in Hong Kong and the authority. These works are considered as the narrative in Hong Kong, constructed by a troop of Hong Kong (people)’s subjectivity, showing that the substance of Hong Kong literature after 1997 is not approaching to China’s literature, and it refused simple incorporation as well. As a result, Hong Kong literature still keeps its spiritual independency even after reunification, which is very important for the development of Hong Kong literature in the future.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 香港小說主體性非常態身體後九七Hong Kong NovelsSubjectivityAbnormalityBodyAfter 1997
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 202204 (177期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 離散/反離散的共同體──《我香港,我街道2:全球華人作家齊寫香港》的香港書寫




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