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The Beginning and the Changes of Knights-errant in Warring States Period’s Liu Tao (The Six Arts of War) and Han Feizi
作者 吳惠玲
目前學界對於「游俠」之研究,多以戰國晚期《韓非子》為首出之文獻,近來筆者以「游俠」為關鍵詞,檢索《文淵閣四庫全書電子資料庫》、《中國基本古籍庫》,發現「游俠」早見於戰國中期之兵書《六韜 ‧ 文韜 ‧ 上賢》篇中,則吾人對於「游俠」一詞初始義涵及相關指涉之理解,應可上溯至《六韜》。筆者意以為:若能將「游俠」初始義加以釐析,還原「游俠」之初貌;再合觀《韓非子》,以見其變貌,則吾人將得以掌握游俠從孳生到成熟之軌跡。因此,本文所採取之寫作策略,係先將《六韜》中之「游俠」一詞加以詮釋,解析其意義及由此體現而出的價值取向,以窺「游俠」初現時之原始面貌與精神基調;其次,在學界已有的豐碩成果下,再次對《韓非子》中之「游俠」作一彙整及闡發;最後併觀兩者對「游俠」之描述並比較其相似與相異之處,釐析出「游俠」一詞從初現到嬗變的歷史脈絡。
So far, most research about knights-errant have based on Han Feizi as original reference. Yet recently, in searching the electronic database of Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition) and the database of Chinese Classic Ancient Books, the author has found that the term “knight-errant” had already appeared in one of the Warring States Period’s books of tactics, Liu Tao·Wen Tao·Shan Shien. Thus it is reasonable to trace the term’s original meaning and to understand related references back to Liu Tao. The author assumes that the track about knight-errant’s beginning stage to maturity can be clarified both through restoring the original appearance of this group and through the studying of the changes of knights-errant in Han Feizi. So the writing strategy of this research firstly focuses on interpreting the term “knight-errant” in Liu Tao and on analyzing the value system carried out by the term in order to view the primitive looks and core spirit when the term first appeared. Secondly, although there are abundant research achievements about “knight-errant”, this research would try to reorganize and redefine the term in Han Feizi. Lastly, the research would analyze the history of the term “knight-errant” from its beginning to its changing varieties by viewing the comparisons and contrasts about the description of knights-errant in the aforementioned two classics.
起訖頁 123-159
關鍵詞 游俠六韜韓非子knight-errantLiu Tao(The Six Arts of War)Han Feizi
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 202203 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 康有為「四書注」的詮釋與定位
該期刊-下一篇 共同體視域中的母德徽音與天人互映──以《詩經‧大雅‧文王之什》為詮釋中心




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