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“Home Was There, Shop Was Here”: The Decisions of Xu Zangchun, a Jiao Merchant of Tainan during the Qing-Japan Regime Transition
作者 林玉茹
最遲清代以來,就有一群家在福建而在臺灣做生意、頻繁地往來兩地的商業移民存在。1870年代,因應全球化貿易,來自福建泉州晉江的許藏春,先到臺灣府城(臺南)郊行景祥號擔任雜役、記帳,進而晉升統管商務的當事(家長)。1903年,還以當事的身分,成為繼臺南大糖商王雪農之後第二任三郊組合長。然而,他不僅抽鴉片、中國商人身分意識強烈,而且在泉州和臺南之間組成以他為核心的跨海雙元家庭。清國將臺灣割讓給日本之後,他雖然是少數沒有回原鄉的中國商人,但面對日本異族統治的矛盾和衝擊也比在地出身、擁有日本經驗的王雪農來得深刻。1917年,他更舉家遷回原鄉,僅留次男一房在臺南落地生根,守住基業。許藏春的生命史正反映了晚清出洋貿易商人的身影及家族管理策略。過去,我們大多關注臺灣籍民在中國或東南亞的活動,卻較少注意在清、日跨政權下這一群跨海經營、雙重國籍的祖國型商業移民及其家庭,如何頻繁地往來兩地,維繫家族血脈的綿延以及因應時代變局的布局和困境。許藏春還以在臺南的泉州人領袖身分接引福建華工來臺,更極力重振傳統宗教活動,呈現了日治初期在臺灣商業移民的另一種面貌。 本文即以臺灣第一代雙重國籍者許藏春為例,試圖說明他於1870年代渡海來臺後,如何由郊行當事變成第二任三郊組合長,並釐清郊行行主和當事之間的關係。其次,說明他如何開枝散葉,組成福建泉州和臺南跨海的雙元家庭,又如何從跨國主義變成原鄉主義,突顯時代變局下雙重國籍家庭的運作和困境。最後,分析他在殖民統治下的政治社會角色及矛盾。
During the Qing Dynasty, at the very latest, a group of commercial immigrants appeared whose homes were in Fujian but who conducted business in Taiwan and frequently travelled between the two places. In response to global trade, Xu Zangchun from Jinjiang in Quanzhou, Fujian, first entered the Xingjingxiang firm in Taiwan Fucheng, Taiwan (Tainan) in the 1870s, to serve as apprentice and accountant, but later was promoted to manager in charge of business affairs. In 1903, he became the second director of the Sanjiao merchant association, succeeding Wang Xuenong, Tainan’s giant sugar merchant, in that role. Yet, Xu not only smoked opium and identified as a Chinese merchant, but also formed dual families on both sides of the strait between Quanzhou and Tainan, with himself at the center. Although Xu was one of the few Chinese merchants who did not return to his hometown after Taiwan was ceded to Japan, he experienced the contradictions and impact of Japanese foreign rule more profoundly than Wang Xuenong, who was born in Taiwan and had Japanese experience. In 1917, Xu moved his family back to his hometown, leaving only his second son to settle in Tainan and maintain his core enterprise. Xu Zangchun’s life history exactly reflects the character and family management strategies of overseas trade merchants during the late Qing Dynasty. Previous historiography has paid greater attention to the activities of the so-called “Taiwanese citizens” in China or Southeast Asia, while devoting much less attention to this group of China-centered commercial immigrants with dual-nationality status, and how they and their families frequently traveled between both places and maintained their family lineage while adapting to the changes and difficulties associated with the transition from Qing to Japanese rule. In his role as the leader of Quanzhou residents in Tainan, Xu Zangchun also attracted Fujianese workers to Taiwan, and tried his best to revive traditional religious activities, thereby revealing yet another aspect of commercial immigrants in Taiwan during the early days of Japanese rule in Taiwan. This article takes Xu Zangchun, a first generation dual-national in Taiwan, as a case study, to illustrate how Xu evolved from firm manager to director of the Sanjiao merchant association after immigrating to Taiwan in the 1870s, and how he clarified the relationship between firm owner and manager. Secondly, the article explains how Xu formed dual families in Quanzhou and Tainan, and how his self-identity developed from transnationalism to nativism, thereby highlighting the operations and dilemmas of dual-nationality families during changing times. The final section of the work analyzes the contradictions of Xu’s social and political roles under colonial rule.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 雙重國籍三郊組合當事跨海雙元家庭原鄉主義華工Dual NationalutySanjiao Merchant AssociationManagerCross-straits Dual FamiliesNativismChinese Workers
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 202203 (29:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 文協活動寫真隊與美臺團的啟蒙活動




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